A Stirring of Soup by Magenta Blue (PG)

May 24, 2013 16:23

Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Length: 16,000 words
Author on LJ: magenta-blue
Author Website: At the Hatstand
Why this must be read: This one is a lovely fun read - you have to squint to see the slash, but the deep and complex relationship between the two lads is shown in loving detail.

The dialogue and pace are perfect, full of wonderful moments and descriptions that stay in your mind (my reminder note to myself reads simply 'the one with the sleeping bag that bristles' *g*). Doyle in particular is on form - blowing hot and cold, sarky, temperamental, terrible jokes... high maintenance personified; and Magenta's Bodie is totally up for the task.

It's a story that'll have you smiling all the way, and bookmarking if you haven't already. Enjoy!

A Stirring of Soup

the professionals, fanfic

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