A Simple Life - Survivah

May 24, 2013 11:39

Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Length: 13720
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author Website: At AO3
Why this must be read: I am not a fan of AUs. Let me rephrase that, when a fandom is fantasy/sci-fi I am not a fan of all human AUs. This isn't an all human AU and Derek is still a werewolf, therefore I was willing to give it a shot. What I found was a completely charming, admirably in-character, feel good fic that features Derek spending most of his time as a wolf post the discovery of Laura's death. Wolf Derek comes across a skinny, not-nearly-thick-enough furred young fox trying to catch something to eat. The fox fails, the wolf helps, and an unlikely friendship is born. It's AWESOME.

Derek watches the fox struggle with the small rodent for a few moments longer, then whuffs in amusement and continues down his path. Were he human in that moment, he might have thought of the youtube videos that such a scene would spawn, but Derek is not. Like this, Derek cares about the rustles of the forest, the murmurs of the stream a mile away, the distant hum of bugs in the night.

A tiny, rapid, heartbeat sounds below him, and Derek reflexively shoots out a paw, catching a mouse -the mouse- by its tail. It hadn’t been his plan to eat, but Derek’s wolf never says no to such freely offered sustenance. Winter is always coming, so it is always wise to eat when possible. That’s just logic. Derek snaps the mouse’s neck -quick, always be quick- and is ready to toss the mouse between his jaws when a low whine sounds behind him.

It’s the fox, of course, crouched low to the ground, tail wagging expectantly behind him.

Food. The wolf will have his food.

A whine.

It doesn’t matter what the fox wants. The fox is prey too. Maybe the fox is next.

Derek can see the fox’s ribs, visible through his red fur. Is the fur as thick as it should be? Autumn is just setting in, and the fox barely has enough for summer.

Derek tosses the mouse at the fox, who yips in delight and pounces. Derek is reminded of his younger brother Travis, who was such an excitable boy that anything new for him from the store, be it an ipod or be it socks, was the best thing to happen that day.

A Simple Life

teen wolf, fanfic

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