No Good Deed by Forestgreen (R)

May 24, 2013 07:33

Pairing: Sheppard/Mitchell
Length: 65+
Author on LJ: forestgreen
Author Website:
Why this must be read:
John opened the closed record that Stargate Command had on him and skipped over its content: "Dr John Sheppard, Civilian Consultant to the U.S. Air Force, member of SG-1, PhD in Applied Mathematics and PhD in Computer Science, gifted mathematician with a penchant for stealing, trustworthy." A small, satisfied smirk crooked John's lips. He struck the last part out and added a correction in red: "Gifted thief with a penchant for mathematics, not to trust." He saved the document and erased all traces of his presence in the system. It'd take a while for McKay to figure out that John had found yet another weakness in the SGC network. He ordered pizza and waited for the rest of the SG-1 to arrive. It was Mitchell's turn to pick the movie.

AU- John Sheppard as a chaotic neutral(ish) mathematician genius criminal. Who ends up working for the SGC as Rodney’s math assistant and catches SG-1’s attention, mostly in a friendly way.
It’s an interesting and different take on John Sheppard, one who’s putting all his talents to use and is used to coming out on top. He have to be a little more on his toes when he’s spending time with a mountain fill of geniuses/highly competent people. And Sheppard is mostly in it for the thrills and the payday until he starts making some real friends. Fantastic General O'Neil in this fic as well.

No Good Deed
Ao3 link

stargate sg1, stargate atlantis, fanfic

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