Title: In Which Hikaru Learns that Domesticity is So Overrated Author: svz_insanity Fandom: Hikaru no Go Pairing: Touya/Shindou (implied) Rating: PG Disclaimer: I don't own Hikaru no Go Summary: Adventures in Cooking with Touya Akira!
I tried my best to summarized the series in chronological order, but I'm afraid I might have missed some things. To get this out of the way-- there are spoilers. Lots of them. You've been warned. :D Um, for newbies... you should probably familiarize yourself with the series beforehand otherwise bits of what I say won't make
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Fandom: Hikaru no Go Title: Rain Author: SVZ Pairing: AkiHika (one-sided) Rating: PG Summary: Seeking shelter in a bookstore, Akira was a bit startled when he saw Hikaru checking out some interesting books.