Why my Mom sucks

Jun 15, 2006 08:33

The Father’s Day stress has started. MIL is already on top of me to find out what our plans are. DH said he doesn’t want to spend all day over there but that is probably what will end up happening…he will get over there and then his Mom will want to cook something and then before you know it, the whole day is shot. I would like to go over early and get out early but it is his day….and I know he is going to want to sleep in. She has called me every night this week about the birthday party. I told her, if the other party is an evening party then there is no problem…but she keeps telling me how stressed out her Mother is and how upset she is that everything is happening on the same day. I guess she forgets all the sacrifices I make to keep her happy. I am torn - I know the issue will probably come up on Father’s day - and I haven’t told DH anything. So do I tell him before we get over there and explain that changing the date is not an option and risk a huge fight or do I just keep my mouth shut and pray that it doesn’t come up. Knowing his mother, it will come up.

So, I sent my mom a nasty e-mail last night. I’ve had it with her also. I told her what was going on with the party and DH mom and her first comment ‘you better not change the date because I’ve moved my vacation around to accommodate this party’ - they were supposed to leave for the beach on the 9th in the morning and are now leaving on the 10th and that was not her decision . When I first told her she said ‘well, then we won’t be able to make it’ and it was my dad who said not to worry about it that they wouldn’t leave until Sunday and he would make sure they were there. So, she sends me an e-mail and all it says is “I told J (my sister) about your issues with MIL and she just couldn’t believe it. Thank goodness she doesn’t have to deal with any of this”…so I replied back that while MIL is annoying..I thought both sides of the coin were bad - having in laws who want nothing to do with you or your children is much worse’. And she replies “as a matter of fact, her in laws are doing more with the children now…but I don’t think they will ever be a problem..they do a lot of things on their own and keep busy. To which I replied “well, I am so glad that J’s life is so perfect..thanks for pointing that out every chance you get”. She has ALWAYS managed to put me down and praises my sister for everything. She always finds a way to make underhanded, snide comments to make me feel bad about myself. I just feel like I need to distance myself from them, but they are all that I have…how can a family be so hurtful? Isn’t a Mom supposed to be loving and supportive of ALL of her children? So, I am feeling beat down and tired today because of this and now I am waiting for some huge reply as to how I take everything so personal and I am so hostile. And then I will have to go over there on Sunday and pretend that everything is great.

Here is a picture of A on the go...she isn't dirty - she just ate a teething cookie and was on her way to get a bath.

ashley on the move

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