"Almost all of us are somewhere between becoming Hitler and curing cancer."

Oct 28, 2009 21:07

Write an entire scene focusing on an inanimate object
BP if that object doesn't appear to relate to the story in any significant way
DBP if it actually does.
TBP if it never appears again.

I Dare everyone who reads this thread to include the action, thought, or narration of filling the White House with Jell-o.

Have a character who only says one line
BP if they say the line in every scene they're in
Double BP if the line makes sense in the context of the scene
Triple BP if it turns out to be an important plot point

Interrupt a chapter with an ad for a made up product.
BP If it's something nobody would want, like a state-of-the-art zit waxer.
DBP If the brand/company name is Acme.

Rain is deadly.
BP It's not acid.
DBP It is referred to as "Eraser Rain"

Make a chicken run across the scene and then never appear again.
BP If the chicken is thought of as normal.
DBP if it's a crucial plot point.

Have someone ask a character to lie down on the floor so they can draw a chalk outline of them
- Bonus points if they don't explain why.
- Double bonus points if the character is your MC.
- Triple bonus points if the people plan on killing this character later

Have a character say "I reject your reality and substitute my own!" to another character.
- Bonus points if one of them is the main character
- Double bonus points if they scream it
- Triple bonus points if they run away immediately afterwards

Have a character make references to the ShamWow.
- Bonus points if they say "shamwow!" in surprise, instead of "gasp," "wow," et cetera.

Include the following conversation:
Character A: Why would you think I don't like you?
Character B: You sent ninja assassins to kill me. Twice.
Character A: I said I was sorry.
-BP if character A really did hire ninja assassins
-DBP if character A is your MC
-TBP if the assassination attempts are completely justifiable
-QBP if characters A and B hook up at the end of your novel

Have explosions occur at random times/places around your MCs. Follow each explosion with a cutscene in which another character puts away a remote detonation device and says (with some satisfaction) either, "Confirmed!", "Plausible!", or "Busted!"

Have your bad guy strike a dramatic pose with one hand pointing into the air while yelling "Minions!" and then some order.
BP: if your bad guy actually has minions.
DBP: if your good guy yells it instead of your bad guy.
TBP: if he doesn't do it ironically.
QBP: if your good guy yells it in the middle of battle in the bad guy's lair, the bad guy's minions obey the order ('cuz they're stupid/conditioned/whatever), and because of that action, the good guy wins.

I dare you to look up the "Word of the Day" (dictionary.com or wherever) and use that word somewhere in your story for that day.
BP if at the end of every week you use all seven words from that week in one sentence.
TBP if it actually makes sense.
TSBP if you use all 30 words at the end in one sentence.

Have God show up in your novel.
BP if they're not actually a god (didn't create everything, have no control over the afterlife, etc.)
DBP if this is well-known.
TBP if they're worshipped anyway.
QBP if that's for a legitimate reason,
and a cookie if it all makes sense!

If your MC must heroically swoop in to/from somewhere, have him/her do so via zip line.
BP if she is wearing a skirt or dress which proceeds to fly up.
TBP if HE is wearing a skirt or dress which proceeds to fly up.

Have a character who likes keeping a diary/updating a blog.
BP if they stop during crucial scenes to furiously write it down, and the suspense has to pause in order to let them do so.
DBP if the villain is present or courteous enough as to allow it.
TBP if this character IS your villain.
QBP if this happens numerous times, everybody becomes frustrated and then ensues the Great Debate of the Importance of Diaries.

I dare you to have a girl break up with her boyfriend at college (or wherever) by sending him a care package and leaving him a message at the bottom of a Pringles can.
DBP If the note includes a smiley face
TBP If the note says, "Don't call me, loser! ;) XOXO"
QBP If she asks him to give her back the photo of her she gave him.
QuintBP and a cookies If he sends her like 50 random girl pictures and tells her he forgot who she was, so take one, then give the rest back.

Have your villain keep a video blog.
BP if he makes Dr. Horrible references.
DBP if your villain is liked more than your hero is
TBP if he likes doing laundry

Have a character saying "I like children, but only with ketchup"
Double points if it's the MC

Theoretically, if the level of oxygen in the atmosphere rose too high it could ignite into a giant fireball.
Dare: Have one of your characters mention this fact.
BP if your characters proceed to have a long conversation about this.
DBP if this is in fact your antagonist's evil plot to destroy the world
TBP if it actually happens!

Have one of your major characters have a rediculously long name.
+ If the character only goes by their full name.
++ If no one ever considers giving them a nickname.
+++ If no one finds this odd.
++++ If only one person finds this odd.
+++++ if the MC is NOT the one who finds this odd.

I dare you to have one of the following modes of transit in your story:
- riding a camel
- riding an elephant
- riding an ostrich
Bonus points if you have all three.
Half bonus points if you have someone riding a mule.

And this is only pages 1-5 of the first dare thread...


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