Oct 18, 2009 22:17
Your female MC is an art lover. She collects all sorts of random art and paintings from dusty little backstreet shops and her house is filled with her collections. One day she buys a painting which includes a robed figure. This robed figure is actually a mage who has been cursed by an enemy to be stuck in the painting until such time as something lets him out. The MC unwittingly manages to release him, and now a countdown is started. The mage has to find a way to break the curse and/or kill his enemy within a certain time limit or he will be stuck back inside the painting for all time. Our mage friend has two brothers, one younger, one older. They sense or otherwise find out that their brother has been released and show up on the MC's doorstep (because of course, being kind-hearted, she lets the weird stranger from the painting stay with her until she figures out whether to call the insane asylum or the police, or both) to help find a way to stop him from becoming art for eternity. The younger brother is obsessed with potions, but hasn't quite gotten a hold on his magic yet, so anything he makes is more likely than not to go wrong or just blow up. He's very hyper and tries a lot of wacky antics to get the original mage and the MC together. ("Hey, he needs to get laid.") The older brother works with runes and tarot cards. He's dark, sullen, and will do anything in his power to keep his younger brother and your MC apart, because he doesn't find her suitable for some reason. The first mage, the one in the painting, manipulates matter and energy, which basically means he's good at illusion and transmutation. The only catch is, they can't use their powers in front of ordinary people who don't know about them. So until the MC finds out that they are mages (and probably hundreds of years old), they can't do magic in front of her. Will they find where the first mage's enemy is hiding? Can they break the curse in time? Will the younger brother blow them all to hell before they can get anywhere? These questions are for you to answer.
The Chosen One is an 89 year old guy who's been waiting his whole life to be notified he needs to go out on a quest and save the world. Well, finally someone shows up at his door to explain what the delay has been. The Old Wizard who was supposed to come to him when he was a teen and give all sorts of Vague Hints about his Grand Destiny, died of a heart attack on the road, and the Evil Overlord decided not to bother taking over the world this year because of financial problems. Well, the Chosen One is pretty pissed off that he never got to save the world like he was supposed to, so he hires some people to put the world in danger and set up a situation so he can go off on the quest nevertheless and save the world and thus fulfill his Grand Destiny.
A woman is living a normal life, but is haunted by something in her past. (you pick) She is in a car accident and is told by God/St. Peter/whoever that her time is not up, but the person in an alternative timeline (who made a different decision than the one that haunts her) is going to die no matter what. The woman is given the choice of dying or going to this alternate timeline and seeing how it would have turned out had she made her other choice.
An ongoing (insane) fantasy-based serial based off of the ideas of the Evil Overlord List.
you have a person who's life is falling apart around them, but they're determined to write this damn book? It could be in the form of a journal, maybe, complaining how they're procrastinating, how the dog has to go to the vet tomorrow, they haven't slept in 42 hours and are starting to hallucinate, etcetera.
Our characters father passes away leaving the character to clean up and sell the fathers apartment. The character had a poor relationship with his father and as such they barely talked for 15 years. In cleaning the apartment the character finds that the father was working on a novel-- it is left unfinished. The character reads the unfinished work only to discover that it's not a novel but an autobiography. In an attempt to finish the autobiography the character must research his father's past and learn about him for the first time.
MC jokingly sells their soul over the internet (possibly through an online auction site) and, surprisingly gets quite a good deal out of it. But what will they do when the buyer turns up to collect?
When Nietzsche said "God is dead", despite later wrapping it in metaphor and philosophy, the first time he said it it was because he accidentally stumbled upon God's funeral. Depending on how gritty or funny you'd like to make it, the cause of death can be an accident or more sinister. Freed from any real obligations to be on one side or the other, and the black and white world, the angels and demons are free to live a more "grey" existance and do so among us. Some try to keep the ideals that existed before and police things and others cause mischief. I would have picked a previously-low-ranking guardian angel who still tries to do his job and take care of his charges and their decendants without the resources he used to have.
A bunch of people stuck in an elevator. You pick the number of people and the personalities.