Friend's Only...

Nov 02, 2013 15:59

After some consideration, I have decided to make my journal a Friend's Only journal.
I won't be deleting anyone that is currently on my F-List, so if you are all ready a friend, you do not need to comment here to remain.
If you would like to be added to my F-List, please leave a brief comment here, just to let me know where I know you from and/or why you would like to be added to my list.
All my graphics will remain open to the public...
So, if you are interested in simply downloading a mood theme or icon, you can do that without having to friend me.
I believe that is all for now...
If there are any questions (or if I forgot something), feel free to leave a comment.


The newest challenge that I have decided to take on, shall be kept open to everyone to read...
And, here is where you shall find all the updates!

Meet the Settlers

Week One:
Cooper | Earhart/Noonan | Hyde | Moncla | Spangler

bacc, randomness

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