Meet the Settlers Let the first week begin...
D.B. and his faithful friend Mutt settled into their new home, by the beach, quite quickly.
(They sure do seem happy!)
After D.B. played with Mutt for a bit, he decided to call a meeting of all the residents...a little get to know each other party!
Of course Mutt decided to completely misbehave!
Bessie and Glen spent most of their time at D.B.'s house, making goo-goo eyes at one another.
Amelia hit it off immediately with Mutt!
Oooo...Robert, I don't think that is a good idea!
I really don't think Jean likes that game.
Of course, there is a group of people, so it is only natural that a hacky-sack game breaks out...
After being at D.B.'s house for several hours, people where getting hungry...
So D.B. put all his cooking skill to work to make some lunch for everyone.
That certainly looks yummy!
At least everyone is now full!
(And, I must admit, Bessie is one of my early favorites!)
I have no clue what D.B. said to her, but Amelia is one very unhappy camper!
There they go again!
With romance in the air, D.B. decided to check out the room and see if he could find someone for himself.
He really likes the look of Amelia. (Let's hope their next 'talk' goes better than the first one.)
Well, their second conversation definitely went better!
Aww...looks like Robert made a friend!
And, that wrapped up the first meeting of all the residents. (And yes, I know I am missing pictures of Felix and Fred, they didn't really do that much of interest.)
Mutt needed some time to decompress after meeting all the new people.
The next morning, D.B. got to work planting tomatoes.
(I am sure we'll be seeing lots and lots of these pictures!)
After all the hard work planting tomatoes, D.B. needed to have some fun...
Of course there isn't much in the way of fun things right now.
Luckily D.B. isn't hard to entertain.
After some playtime, it was time to search for treasure...
(Remember, D.B. stole $200,000, but he buried it somewhere on the island and now he can't seem to find it.)
Nothing yet, but he's getting closer!
Starting off the next day with a relaxing bubble bath...
(Look at all the bubbles! It's a bubble party!)
Getting clean and relaxed for the day ahead...
Those weeds are certainly tough, but at least the plants are coming along!
D.B. needed some social interaction, so he decided to teach Mutt some commands.
I don't know if Mutt understands what D.B. is trying to teach him, but it looks like he is having fun!
(And yes, D.B. is sunburned!)
Still haven't figured out how sun-bathing in a wet suit works, but whatever floats his boat!
After searching for a job in the political career (which he found on day 3), D.B. worked the crossword puzzle.
The next morning, D.B. left for work...
Unfortunately, he didn't stay at work...
I have no idea why, but he won't actually go to work. He gets in the car, but comes right back to the lot. (Not sure if I have a hack installed that is affecting my car pool or what. I would love any help in figuring the problem out!)
So, after a few days, he got fired! (Knew the challenge couldn't be that easy.)
At least now D.B. had time for his hobbies, like bird watching.
And spending time with Amelia...
(Thankfully she walked by the house.)
D.B. tried to put the moves on her, but she wasn't having it...
Don't know what changed...
...but, suddenly she really liked D.B.
I think I'll just let ACR take over for now...
(I apologize for any 'compromising' photos.)
Oh well, jeez, I forgot how quickly ACR moves along...
After they were finished snuggling, Amelia headed home...
And D.B. gave his faithful friend a nice relaxing bath.
Time for bed!
The next morning dawned and D.B. went out to take care of his plants.
(It would be nice if all that spraying led to something...
Doubt it, though, I never have luck getting a plantsim.)
That afternoon, Amelia came back over to the house...
These two just can't seem to get enough of each other.
They are cute, though!
Morning again...
Aww...only one, little tomato plant survived to to be harvested, but at least one is better than nothing.
D.B. decided to head out for a hike...
...and he came home with poison ivy!
(Sometimes nature sucks!)
And that my friends, ends the first week of the Cooper household!
I apologize if there are too many pictures, but I had a lot of fun taking photos. (I think I got a bit carried away!)
Oh, I would also love any advice on how to get D.B. to actually go to work. If I can't get it worked out, this is going to be a really impossible challenge!