Mar 24, 2010 01:59
Mar 20, 2010: Wellbutrin back up to 300 and on brand again instead of generic.
Attempting to wean off didn't work so well. At 150 ability to focus was basically gone. In a conversation with someone, hearing all the words, and no idea what was just said. Repeatedly. Plus was starting to sense bits of old thoughts and frustrations coming back. Will try to stabilize on 300 for a few weeks and see how things fair. May go back to full 450.
Also finally back on real thyroid again instead of fake. Hopefully the shortage will be resolved when I'm due for a refill.
Saga of the car continues. It gets to go back to the dealer again today for service.
No more territory marking but it did take a week or so for the prior oil spewage to burn off. Was annoyed to find that the service techs didn't top off the oil when it was in to get the leak repaired. Assumed they would check it considering it had a major leak, find it was a full quart low, and top it off. Nope. It was mitigated slightly by having been given two quarts of oil but I was still annoyed.
The front bumper / trim alignment looks almost right, but is out of spec when actually measured. I thought it was when I picked it up but didn't have anything to reference at the time. Pulled the Audi body gap specs from the eBahn Bentley manual later and did a quick measurement of my own and found it was out of spec. I sent the spec to the service advisor so there is something to reference to show that I have a valid complaint that needs to be addressed and not just eyeball it and decide "Oh, it's fine."
The more concerning thing is what sounds like CV joint popping. That sound appeared faintly a couple weeks ago and has progressed rapidly. Almost certainly related to the engine replacement since the front suspension bits were removed as part of the engine replacement. Not to mention the fact that CV joints shouldn't fail in under 6,000 miles.
self notes