I started reading
fandomsecrets which has informed me that I am indeed a BNF (Big Named Fan) basically, a lot of people read my fic and comment so therefore I can be intimidating. Which is funny if only because I'm so not a presence on Livejournal and I became a BNF in my 2 fandoms (BTVS and Forever Knight) by ignoring everything else and writing my own fic, but okay.
What really got me thinking though was my Technology and Social Change class talking about online communities. Right now we're mostly in the realm of RPGs (Role Playing Games) but I can only assume that my big mouth will get us talking about blogs and fanfic sooner or later. I don't have any particular shame in my hobby, but I've talked to a couple of people already that had no idea such a thing existed... which makes me wonder at what the overall reaction will be. Now, as a BNF I'm no slouch, I have readers and, dare I say it, fans, so my ego is in no real danger... but still...
Really, fandom is such a strange thing. My fic is popular in the tiny little world of Buffy xover fans, and I ran a faction in FK, but it means nothing, or even less than nothing outside fandom. I should probably keep my mouth shut. Fanfic isn't going to win me any points in the Communications department, despite its relevance to the class.