55.3 - Are you desperate for love?

Mar 07, 2009 02:19

In retrospect, Lana shouldn't have let her guard down.

The trip to Vegas with Lex's friends had been a sham, just like everything else in their lives. And if they'd had a good time, and if they'd laughed and enjoyed the nights away, it didn't mean anything other than the fact they were good at their charade. And if his hand brushed her back during that slow dance, it wasn't accidental or desired.

And it wasn't real either.

She shouldn't have been surprised, the moment they stepped back into the mansion, he ignored her completely. For days on end, she was on her own. She slept alone, and she ate breakfast alone, she dined alone and Lana was sick of her own shadow. She couldn't go to Clark anymore, she couldn't confide in Chloe, Lois was out of the equation.

A week after their return Lana got sick. The first few days Maria, the maid, regarded her with nothing but suspicion. It was a cry for attention, Lana heard her tell the chauffer. By the third day, Lana wasn't getting any better. She couldn't help but wonder what exactly had been done to her during her stay at Belle Reve. With Lex, she couldn't tell anymore. But something was wrong and even Maria, for all of her disdain, had to admit it.

In retrospect, Lana shouldn't have let her guard down and she'll blame her weak moment on whatever was making her sick.

She was standing at the top of the staircase when Lex arrived. He'd called Maria to make sure Lana wasn't lying about not feeling well. There isn't trust between us and there never will be again. She stared at him, a thin veil of secrets in the strength of her gaze, and she didn't lose eye contact with him, not once as she climbed down.

He met her halfway and she was overcome with an emotion she could not name - later she would name it insanity - as she walked into his arms and wound her own around his waist. She breathed in sharply, willed away the tears threatening to well up. Panic lodged into her chest as he remained motionless against her, his hands at his sides.

Lana was about to disentangle herself, was about to step away from what he was denying her when slowly, almost as if it were a trick of lighting, his hands flattened on the low of her waist. She would let her eyes flutter closed, she would let herself lean into the embrace and for a moment, pretend she was pretending.

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she'd been held. But she needed it. It was how she knew she wasn't alone. It was how she knew she was still real.

He stayed with her throughout the night. At some point, long after she'd emptied the contents in her stomach, long after she'd curled back into bed, she felt his hand on top of her own, thumb stroking her ring finger.

She could almost believe Lex was a loving husband.

It was a good thing Lana knew better.

Muse: Lana Luthor
Fandom: Smallville
Partner: Lex Luthor (luthor_lineage)
Word count: 526 words

smallville: lana lang

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