55.2 Make a public gesture to show your partner how you feel.

Mar 06, 2009 17:08

Muse: Sally Brown
Fandom: Peanuts
Word Count: 291
Partner: Linus van Pelt
Prompt: 55.2 Make a public gesture to show your partner how you feel.

As she hung up the phone, she grinned, picturing Linus talking to her on the clear, hot-pink phone she'd given him so long ago...

Sally walked through the large double doors, feeling a bit odd. It had been a long time since she'd been in school...high school, at any rate. She noticed the curious glances from students as she walked down to the counselor's office, and she smiled back at everyone. It shocked her how young everyone looked, and she couldn't help but wonder if she had looked that childlike when she'd been in school.

Opening the scarred wooden door to Linus' office, she grinned. The room was dull and drab, as usual, but the bag she was carrying was sure to fix that! She worked quickly, hanging up glittery pictures and placing plants and various pink knick-knacks around the room. A pink-framed 8-by-10 picture of them together went on his desk, along with a sparkling hot-pink telelphone, and her final touch was a sign for his door that stated simply that Linus van Pelt was the 'Studliest Counselor EVER!'. She taped it carefully to the window so everyone would see, and as she walked out the door, the empty bag tapping against her leg as she moved, she knew that there would be no doubt to anyone, especially Linus, that Sally Brown loved her Babboo.

As she climbed into her pale blue VW bug, she beamed at the school when the sound of a low, familiar scream filtered out to her through Linus' open office window. She drove away, proud that her surprise had surprised him so much that he'd yelled in joy.

Caught in the memory, she smiled and decided it was time to bring over that pink-and-blue striped rug she'd picked out.

Comments: here

peanuts: sally brown

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