Dec 18, 2015 00:00
Good morning Cougar Ridge!
Another great week for posting - even slightly up on week 2 - and also some dramatic moving and shaking in our cast. A hearty welcome to new characters Melanie Trueblood, Diego Viarenzi, Susan Eidelman and Kevin Eidelman, the first three of whom even used up their five allotted posts in their inaugural week. We also have another newcomer in Marcus van Himst, who will hopefully be posting to next week’s main entry.
Susan and Kevin, I've located your apartment on South Cypress as I couldn't find a mention by either of you where you lived. Let me know if you want that changed. If there are any other characters who are lacking a fixed abode please let me know and I'll allocate you.
Regrettably we also have some departures. Amy Jenkinson and Solomon Diakite have driven off into the sunset, whilst Scott Jenkinson has been hauled off to jail to await his trial. As an amendment to the general guidelines, wherein it’s stated that a character who leaves town cannot return, the rule now stands that a character CAN be brought back if their ‘parent’ player agrees (unless, of course, the character in question is dead. No zombies please. They’re just so unsociable.) In the case of Amy, Sol and Scott, the players responsible for them have asked they remain absent for the foreseeable future, which means that they can’t appear even as NPCs in any future posts by anyone else. They can be referred to, obviously, but not participate.
This option is open to all players and characters. If you wish to write out one of your characters but keep your options open for them returning one day just let us know (same emails as always, and ) and we’ll tag them as such. (Jackson Nero, currently vacationing in Europe, has already been placed on this list just for the record).
As threatened, Allison Greenbough and Mohamed Jackson shall now be expunged. Because they’ve never posted or interacted their bios will be wiped from the directory. Jackson’s Bookstore is also now erased. Characters in line for the chop next Sunday are Bjorn Waaler and Dinah Elliott, who haven’t posted in the past two weeks. I’m also adding Adrian Haze to that list, because he hasn’t posted since the first day of week 2 (which is effectively two weeks). These three characters have until next Sunday to save themselves.
Other characters who didn’t post this week are Dr Tom Berkland, Ronald Felps, Daria Reimes and Foster Nance (all of whom weren’t really at the races in week 2 either), and Harold Reimes and Jared Caldwin only posted once. It would be disappointing to lose any of these characters, and it was especially a shame to see such a lowly appearance from Mr. Caldwin in an election week (if you lose, sir, you only have yourself to blame!). I can only reiterate, if you as a player haven’t got the time, opportunity or inclination to participate, for whatever reason, but your character is involved in storylines or general town talk (as each of the above characters is) then PLEASE send your character LJ account details to a moderator so we can close out your stories.
I’m actually seriously considering making the three-week rule into a two-week rule for the benefit of other players and to keep the game’s momentum up, so Dr. Tom, Ronald, Daria and Foster, you’ve been warned. If these characters haven’t posted by next Sunday they may well be ending up in the can next to Bjorn, Dinah and Adrian.
(EDIT: Just to clarify, characters who have actively participated in the game won't have their bios or posts deleted like Jackson or Greenbough. They'll simply be declared inactive and have their accounts banned from any future posts, and their storylines will be wrapped up in other ways.)
That’s it for this week! Enjoy the next Entry!