Title: Just Like the Boxcar Children
meg_dallenDisclaimer: Sadly I do not own Gossip Girl. If I did, it would be a hell of a lot more soapy than it already is. I also do not own The Boxcar Children. It is a series of mystery novels written for elementary school children by Gertrude Chandler Warner in the 1940s.
Type: Het with a tiny mention of slash at the end...
Characters/Pairings: Chuck/Serena, Chuck/Vanessa, and mentions of Chuck/Blair, Blair/Dan and Nate/Eric
Warnings: Drug use and abuse, character death and a slight mention of slash.
Summary: Their entire lives they've been running away from growing up, from lovers, and most importantly from each other.
Author's Note: This challenge was the hardest thing I have done in a very long while, but I'm proud of myself for finishing it. And, apparently, I'm completely incapable of writing any fic without a mention of Chuck/Vanessa these days and I have no idea why...
Note 2: This was written for
xoxobigbang and literally took up all of my energy all summer. This is the reason why my other fics didn't get finished, but I'm rather proud of it.
http://meg-dallen.livejournal.com/16420.html?mode=reply PARTS:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4