Birthday Snow

Jan 11, 2011 20:09

My man just made a delicious adult-enhanced hot chocolate for me to sip while I wait for the snow to get here. In a few hours I'll be 52 and the snow is my present. It is supposed to be gone, washed away by rain, by tomorrow afternoon, so I need to stay up late to see it. Don't want to snub a gift.

Trying to get some clothes washed and some of the dirt, dust and grime cleaned up before we take off for San Franciso on Thursday and our dog/house sitters get here. I won't be around much tomorrow - "working" (which will be attempting to sit in a chair while telling people it is my birthday so I don't have to do a damn thing) and then going to hear a guy talk about cancer with some co-workers. We talk about cancer all day long at work, since that is what we do for a living, but I live a ROCK AND ROLL kind of lifestyle so what better way to spend my birthday then to go with a bunch of workers in the cancer field go hear a guy talk about cancer. PAH-TAY!

And it was my idea.

Have to fold clothes and stare longingly out the back window now.
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