First, a little squee....
Freya's Gift is up at the Samhain Publishing website in their coming soon pages.
It all seems so....official.
I'm terrified and giddy all at the same time. Not terrified that people won't like it. I did my best to make it a good read. There's nothing else I can do now about that. No sense worrying about what I can't control any longer.
I think the giddy part is obvious.
The worried part is likely about how it sells.
And then, to add to the fun, I got my comp copies of the Chicken Soup for the Soul--Thanks Mom! book in the mail last week. My essay is on page 69, if anyone happens to be in the store and wants to look it over without buying the whole book. :)
On this one, I'm not worried about how it sells. I think the publisher will take care of that all by themselves.
Both books will be officially out on March 23. I sent my mother a copy of the Chicken Soup book already. To say she was happy was a bit of an understatement.
As for me, it's been the same old chaos. Too much to do as as a mom and a writer, too little time to do it in. But I'm keeping up with my Comic Spotlights on Geekdad at If you're curious, google Geek Dad comics spotlight and you should get a whole list. I've done everything from independent graphic novels to mainstream superhero stuff to the Batman & Sons webcomic.
I am nearing 70,000 words on Sky of Seneca. The end is in sight. And I must be getting better at rough drafts because I usually run out of story by 58,000 words but this time, I have the big action climax to write still.
I'm hoping by the end of this week to have essays done for the submission call-out for Chicken Soup books that will center on our cats and dogs. For cat essay, I wrote about my Elf cat, who I lost in December at the age of 22 and a half.
The dog essay is about Mira, the dog I did not want. :)
I don't know if they'll be accepted but it's worth a try.
And now off to answer my mountain of email.