Jan 19, 2006 01:44
Tagged by Sherif (and because I like seeing these):
Name five of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then pick five people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.
1. Settling down with an entertaining book, folding up or stretching out and being warm -- straight up, there are few more relaxed feelings in the world.
2. There's a certain smell I associate with October, which happens to be my favorite month. It's the smell of the ground after the rain, of dried cornstalks fluttering in the breeze, of the crisp and clear days of autumn, pumpkins and apple cider and all. It's a good smell.
3. After I read the works of certain authors -- Neil Gaiman preeminent among them -- there is a sense of serenity, of timelessness and sharpness of sense that enfolds me. It's just a state of being where everything is just...eventual, as King put it. Everything's eventual, and all I want to do is read and talk to people and just be.
4. A late summer day, edging towards fall, with the car windows down and the radio up -- Oldies are best. Out on the long country roads, long stretches of quiet highway hedged in by fields on all sides. Moments like that are eternity -- time's lost its meaning. It's still there, and the songs still change on the radio, but for the moment, you just are. No concerns, no worries. Just keep the wheel steady and your mind at ease.
5. On occasion, my father and I will play word games -- strings of puns, shades of meaning, double entendres. Most of the family just shake their heads and leave us to it, but I love it. When I am old, they will be one of the things I look back on with the most fondness.
The Tag:
The Love of My Life
My Wife-Ought-To-Be (yes, I know, but not as mutually inclusive as one might assume)
Triped (because I figure you could use something to occupy yourself with in the wee hours of the morning, Mike)