Thursday night = anime. Uh, friday...also anime. And, hey, what's the weekend for!

Oct 14, 2016 16:25

It's like, sometimes, I really don't get how the world - or anyways, *this particular part of the world*, works. Easy example, what's all this obsession with how much a home is valued at? When you're buying a home, you're buying *a place to live in*; so what if down the line, it's worth more or less than you paid for it. Either you can afford the mortgage payments, or you can't. Well, or you just paid cash to begin with!


Yeah, takes me a while - just realized that although any time you lose a battle, the game gives you the option to replay it right away, rather than having to restart from the last save point and go through any cut scenes, *if* you replay, the time you spent losing gets added onto your total time. So, even though I'm now showing almost 90 hours, I swear, like a third of that was probably wasted time!


At this point, a grim!dark magical girl series is damn near its own cliche. I mean, even a significant - hell, *main* character dying in a basically pointless way is nothing new. What still surprises me about Alderamin on the Sky is how aggressively *not-nice* it is - and how aggressively *not nice* its view of humans is. War is not space battleships and Newtypes. War is incompetent commanders, pointless massacres of civilians, casual rape, oh, and a main character who, care-free as he may seem at first and for the first few episodes...then also does not seem to have a problem mutilating himself if he can accomplish something by that. *Not* a character I have ever seen in anime!
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