there is no victory; there are only battles.

May 17, 2011 17:04

I wanted to rewatch the episode before I typed all this up. Warning: I ramble a lot.

Castle 3x24: Knockout

This episode. This perfect episode. Of this perfect show. That was a brilliant finale.

I adored the scene between Jim and Castle. I've been wanting them to meet since, well, since "Sucker Punch" when we were introduced to Jim. I thought it was cute how surprised Castle was that not only did Beckett talk about him to her father, but that she has apparently said such nice things about him. Considering that Jim came to talk to him about the whole situation and then he pretty much asked Castle to take care of his daughter, it's easy to imagine that Beckett talks about Castle more than even Jim let on. I also love that Castle didn't sugarcoat how bad the situation with Lockwood was; that was one father talking to another and there was no way Castle could lie to Jim about how much danger Beckett was truly in.

"What about you, Rick?" LA;KSJDFA;LKDJF Oh, Angry Nathan Fillion, we don't see you very often, which is a shame because you're amazing and incredibly attractive. (His voice does things to me.)

Speaking of parents, the scene with Martha after Castle got back from Beckett's place. For all the teasing those two do, there is no shortage of love. Martha knows her son is in love and she knows how difficult and dire the situation is so she won't pressure him but she sure as hell won't let him walk away either. "For a man who makes his living with words you sure have a helluva time finding them when it counts."

The fight scene between Ryan and Esposito broke me. That's when I started really getting upset because those boys are Partners with a capital P and it hurt me to watch them be so hurt by Montgomery's betrayal that they would literally start hurting each other. THAT'S A LOT OF HURTING, GUYS. The fact that the fight essentially ends because Ryan gives Esposito permission to hit him because he knows how bad they're both hurting just made me tear up. Holy crap, Ryan and Esposito are so amazing. Amazing characters. This show has so many.

And then there's the hangar. DEAR GOD, THE HANGAR. The text message from Ryan (it doesn't say which one it's from but I think it's Ryan; I don't think Esposito could have brought himself to type it), the confession from Montgomery, baiting the trap. The sudden appearance of Castle was perfect: despite the conversation with Beckett's father and even the conversation with Montgomery in his office earlier, this is truly the moment when Castle realizes that he is the only one who can save her from herself when it comes to this case. He pleaded his case with her earlier, but it didn't work; this is an actions > words moment and he knows what he has to do. And then Beckett forgives Montgomery and I frown sadly at my television; Castle literally hauls her away while she pleads and cries and I hold my breath; she cries against the car, Castle's hand over her mouth so they aren't heard, as he whispers "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" and my heart constricts. Show, do you have any idea what you're doing to me?

I had guessed several weeks ago that Montgomery was going to be the one who died. I had just assumed that they would make some headway in the case and the Mysterious Man In Charge would kill Montgomery as a warning to Beckett, sort of a "back off or I keep killing your friends" thing. I never anticipated that Montgomery would have been involved, not even a little bit. As soon as Castle mentioned the third cop and Montgomery went shifty-eyed, I knew. And it broke my heart; I didn't want the Captain to be a bad guy. But it worked. It really did. He was a man who made a mistake, a big mistake, but he lived the rest of his life trying to make up for it. He was an honorable man despite his past and he protected the people he loved until it killed him. He had a hero's death and I don't think we could have asked for more than that. I love that Beckett declared that Montgomery's past would not leave the "immediate family." (Damn you, Seamus Dever, and that tear sliding down your cheek.)

(ETA: OH YEAH. I've decided that from here on out I shall refer to the Mysterious Man In Charge as "Moriarty." BECAUSE THAT'S BASICALLY WHO HE IS. Criminal mastermind orchestrating huge plots who can't be touched. They're chasing frakking Moriarty, y'all, and I'm a little surprised Castle hasn't started calling him that yet.)

(I'm so thankful that the hangar scene didn't hurt their relationship. I fear that on any other show, in the hands of less-skilled writers, the fact that Castle literally dragged Beckett away might have separated them further, that she might have resented him for doing so. But not "Castle." Not this show. During Beckett's eulogy, she acknowledges that Castle is her partner once again, despite the fight they had in her apartment. )


I'm very interested to see if they start s4 right after the funeral (immediate fallout!) or three months down the line (as they have with the previous two seasons).

I cannot handle how incredible this show is. Week in, week out, this show is so damn good it's insane. There are so many perfect, epic episodes, it stuns me. (ETA: I did not reread this before I posted it so if there are glaring typos or incoherent sentences, I'm sorry and I blame Andrew Marlowe.)

In other news: I finished the first season of Fringe! I'm really enjoying it so far; I thought it started out good but it's getting great and I can't wait to get to the epicness everyone talks about. :D

tv: castle, tv: fringe

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