My awesome weekend and BSG 2.20

Mar 13, 2006 21:10

I had such a lovely weekend and I've been in such a good mood, yet somehow that hasn't translated into any LJ posts. Weird.

Here's why I'm so happy:

1. Seeing Transamerica (an excellent movie) on Friday with one of my best friends. I really loved how it ended and the performances are marvelous. After the movie my friend and I had yummy Mexican food and Margaritas. THEN we went back to his place and played the Buffy video game!! I had way too much fun pretending that I actually WAS the slayer.

2. Celebrating the birthday of one of my oldest friends on Saturday night, who's still my friend despite being roommates with me TWICE over the years! She's not a huge Buffy fan and she endured all of my Buffy parties. Now that's a true friend.

Going to another friend's birthday party and managing to talk Jossverse stuff with multiple people. I didn't even initiate the discussions! I did get to wow people by informing them about BtVS's 9th anniversary. One of the girls I was talking to (who's a new appreciator of the show) said she didn't like "Once More, With Feeling". I was so shocked that I didn't really know how to respond to her. I'm still baffled.

3. I walked to work on Sunday! It was so warm and lovely it felt like Spring!!

4. Watching the BSG season finale.

I adored the finale! I have to start by saying that the final two lines reminded me of the series finale of Angel (fyi I don't think this is a bad thing.) Just compare this:

Tyrol: What do you want to do now Captain.
Starbuck: The same thing we always do, fight them until we can't.

with this:

SPIKE: In terms of a plan?
ANGEL: We fight.
SPIKE: Bit more specific.
ANGEL: Well, personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon. Let's go to work.

Both episodes end with the characters vowing to continue fighting against very difficult odds because it's what they do, and all they can do. In both instances, the final moments refer back to earlier scenes in the episodes when similar sentiments were expressed; specifically in scenarios when it appears that the characters cannot win.

In the case of BSG, Starbuck restates what she said practically word-for-word while on Caprica:

Anders: What are we up to? Got any brilliant ideas in that military brain of yours.
Starbuck: Do the same thing we always do. Fight 'em till we can't.

On AtS, Angel's declaration to continue fighting recalls Anne's reaction to Gunn telling her about the Circle of the Black Thorn:

GUNN: What if I told you it doesn't help? What would you do if you found out that none of it matters?
That it's all controlled by forces more powerful and uncaring than we can conceive, and they will never let it get better down here. What would you do?
ANNE: I'd get this truck packed before the new stuff gets here. Wanna give me a hand?

Both these episodes reinforce the idea that winning isn't what matters, rather it's the continued struggle for something better that's important. It also suggests that everyday life is a constant battle. We may get occasional reprieves from horrible stuff (1 year on New Caprica, or a "perfect day"), but ultimately the bad stuff comes and that's when we have to stand up for we believe in.

Okay, so other thoughts on the finale: It also reminded me of the AtS season four finale. Basically the other side calls a "truce" and it appears that the entire premise of the show has altered. On both shows, some of the surface elements change but ultimately there is still an enemy (Wolfram & Hart/Circle of the Black Thorn and the Cylons), it's just that the approach that has changed. I have great respect for Ron Moore etc that they had the courage to shake things up and not get caught up in the same premise week after week.

Some random frivolous thoughts:
- LOVED Kara with longer hair.
- Adama with a moustache made me giggle.
- Gaius as a bad and lecherous leader was exactly what I expected.
- Message to Gaeta: Gaius is all wrong for you (and will never notice you). Find a nice man who'll actually appreciate you.
- Kara hugging the Tighs!! Awesome.
- Tyrol as union leader!!! Love. I like Cally so am hoping it works out with her and Tyrol.

5. Reading amazing Spike/Xander fanfiction. On Sunday I was overwhelmed - in the very best way - by a lot of really good Spander. I highly recommend:

witling's The One in the Hospital. It's schloompy goodness! She also recently wrote some angsty AU Spander which is just awesome: The Land of the Lost.

tabaqui has a compelling WIP amnesia!Xander fic with Spike being all protective As If We Should Forget We Have No Hands.

savoytruffle has a Dirty Dancing plot + Buffyverse characters = human AU crack/charity fic WIP Dirty Dancing Spander Style which is so fun!

I suspect I'm forgetting some great stuff, but I just HAD to rec those fics!

cordelianne stuff, bsg, s/x fic recs, tv, btvs, pimp, ats

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