It's Buffy day!!! *does the dance of joy*

Mar 10, 2006 16:04

Happy 9th Anniversary Buffy!!! How awesome is that it's 9 years to the day when Buffy the Vampire Slayer first aired?!!!! Oh, and if you were wondering, I did indeed do the dance of joy. I've even done the dance of joy for my co-workers before, thus confirming for them my insanity!

molly_may has a fabulous way of celebrating by asking people to Pick an episode that you feel is underrated, and tell why you like it. This idea makes me so happy, so I rambled on about my love for "Doublemeat Palace" and "Bad Eggs" here. I'm now inspired to write up something coherent about why I love "Bad Eggs" which I'll hopefully post in the next couple of days (hint: love of Xander is involved).

globalfruitbat tagged me to write a list of the five things that are most effective in bribing me. When I was thinking about this, I realized that I don't really need to bribed as long as you're nice and respectful to me and other people. But, that's not fun, so here's my list:

1. Chocolate. As Buffy observes There is no problem that can not be solved with chocolate. Well, except for barfing!

2. Offer to drive me somewhere in a car. Bonus points if it's to visit my grandpa or parents. I don't own a car nor do I need to because I live in downtown Toronto right on the subway line. Also, I hate driving and am scared of driving in Toronto (this is a result of being from a small city). I love to walk and take transit, particularly because it's good for the environment. But sometimes I just love the convenience of being driven somewhere.

3. Talk about or offer to watch anything Jossverse.

4. Talk about L.M. Montgomery with me, or better yet buy me the first edition of Anne of Green Gables. Of course, if someone could actually afford to buy the first edition I'd do ANYTHING for them. Oh dear, I hope my stalkers aren't reading this. Just kidding, I don't have stalkers (*looks around nervously*).

5. Um, I'm having trouble coming up with a 5th one. So I'm going with: make me dinner. I hate to cook but love to eat yummy home-cooked meals.

Okay, I tag crazydiamondsue, crossoverman, entrenous88, monster_grrrl, and ozma914.

cordelianne stuff, meme, anne of green gables, l.m. montgomery, btvs, pimp

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