Nostalgia time

Feb 13, 2014 11:48

In non-SPN fannish news, I've been on a Due South kick lately. I never watched much of it when it was airing, despite having an abiding affection for both Paul Gross and Callum Keith Rennie, darlings of the Canadian stage and screen that they are. But I got into reading some Due South fic recently, and then decided maybe I should actually watch the canon, and it's a great, low-stress thing to put on when I'm folding laundry or knitting or whatever. I decided to start from the beginning, and Ray V. is growing on me, though Ray K. will always be the superior Ray for me :)

Anyway, one of things I'm enjoying about it is the surprisingly good music, and the really random collection of guest stars. Leslie Nielsen FTW! But a couple days ago I watched The Gift of the Wheelman, a Christmas episode from the first season, which wasn't as mawkishly sentimental as I feared, despite opening with a boy shopping in O. Henry's Gift Shop, lol. Said boy was a rather familiar looking pouty-lipped blond teenager who turned out to be a wee babby Ryan Philippe! And there was a rather striking car-chase sequence set to the song "Steaming" by Sarah McLachlan, from her first album, which I had on cassette tape, given to me by a hairdresser whose brother? cousin? played keyboard on it. He gave it to me when I went to get my hair permed into giant 80s corkscrew curls, and I played that tape over and over again, as it was one of only about 6 that I owned. I hadn't heard the song for years, and it took me straight back to the summer I was 16. I think I still have a picture of that perm somewhere, maybe I'll scan it later and post it for the Internet to laugh at me :D

Anyway, apparently I was into Sarah McLachlan before almost anyone. I feel this does not give me hipster cred.

lolcanada, things i saw that made me happy, due south, teal deer

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