The usual post to say I haven't completely vanished from the face of the internet

Feb 10, 2014 12:33

Just haven't felt like writing much - not even really rambly blog posts, let alone fic or anything worthwhile. Sigh.

Plus I got caught up on SPN, and then read reactions here and there, and got depressed by the sheer volumes of Sam!bashing going around. I am actually trying to write some proper meta about Sam and his state of mind right now, but for now: Sam is not the one who broke the bond or destroyed the family or whatever. Dean did that, when he chose to do something to Sam which he knew Sam would rather die than have done to him, and then lied to him and gaslighted him for months. Sam telling Dean who that makes him feel is not Sam being mean or wilfully destroying their bond. There's something very victim-blamey about that, you know. Urgh. Sadness. And it was so surprising to me, because after the episode was over, M. and I had exactly the same response: "They're finally fucking talking about their shit! At last!" It seemed like such a relief to me, to have Sam and Dean actually working on their relationship like motherfucking adults, it was quite a shock to see so much negative reaction. I did see ash48's post, which made me happy! Though I haven't had time to comment anywhere yet, I'm such a lurker these days.

On the other hand, it is beginning to feel like Jeremy Carver actually does have a plan, and is going somewhere with his storytelling. It's a bit weird, because it feels like there were a lot of threads left dangling at the end of S7, and he pretty much ignored those and instead picked up a bunch of threads left dangling from S5, I guess? It's odd, and I still feel like the things Carver is interested in don't align very well with the things I'm interested in, but the very fact that he clearly does have things he feels very strongly about makes me more invested.

In non-SPN news, we are watching True Detective, and it is blowing my socks off. I had no idea Matthew McConnaughey had that kind of a performance in him, and Woody Harrelson is amazing too, and the show over all is just so incredibly well-made. Also bleak as fuck, so be warned. (I can give more detailed warnings, if anyone is interested.)

And new trailers for Game of Thrones and Hannibal! Squee!

(I did like this review of the SPN episode, it said some of the things I've been wanting to say, though not all:

game of thrones, other fandoms, sam winchester, things i saw that made me sad, writing fail, episode reaction, true detective

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