Have I mentioned that kids on the autism spectrum tend to lack the brain-to-mouth filter that others of us are sometimes able to engage?
My soon-to-be-enshrined-in-sainthood pal, Teri, volunteered to take Shrek to a Devils/Rangers pre-season game last night. This is brilliant because Shrek has been reminding us for a week that the Devils would finally be playing a game, and where, and when, and what channel it would be on. He drank out of his Devils/Prudential Center cup yesterday morning in anticipation. He's a leeetle obsessed with hockey. Don't know where he gets that personality trait.
Anyway, Teri the Great calls with tickets and volunteers to take him to the game, along with her son and Luke. She enjoys him and always ends up with a good Shrek story to tell. Last night was no different. They were in the good seats, grooving on the game, when someone a few rows back bellowed something unflattering to defenseman John Oduya. Shrek likes Oduya. Next thing you know, Shrek has stood up, turned around, and, hands on hips, loudly demanded "Which one of you said that?!"
I imagine Teri's eyes about popped out of her head as she gently turned her protesting friend around to sit back down.
"It's just that he likes Oduya," Luke supplied helpfully.
"I'm sure he does," Teri answered, keenly aware of hockey crowd mentality, especially Devils/Rangers, "but I don't know how I'll explain to your mom that her nine-year-old got in a hockey fight."
I think John Oduya needs to know he has a defender in his corner. You don't mess with Shrek.
Happy belated birthday