В закладки. Публикация в Science.

Dec 08, 2007 10:30

From the study abstract:
"Abuse of the dissociative anesthetic ketamine can lead to a syndrome indistinguishable from schizophrenia. In animals, repetitive exposure to this N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor antagonist induces the dysfunction of a subset of cortical fast-spiking inhibitory interneurons, with loss of expression of parvalbumin and the -aminobutyric acid-producing enzyme GAD67. We show here that exposure of mice to ketamine induced a persistent increase in brain superoxide due to activation in neurons of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase."

From schizophrenia.com:
"This finding lead the scientists to a drug known as a Nox inhibitor. The researchers believe that if they use the Nox inhibitor, a drug which has the ability of not only targeting the inflammatory enzyme which creates superoxide, but also of destorying superoxide itself, they could prevent the loss of cells in the prefrontal cortex. This idea then lead scientists to believe that drugs or antioxidants related to the Nox inhibitor may be able to "mop up the superoxide," and potentially "provide future treatments for drug-induced psychosis or schizophrenia."

Seems like GAD67-expressing cells are somehow more vulnerable.

Добавка от 10 дек 2007:
А вот и обзор на Форуме Исследователей Шизофрении, под громким названием: "Возможно ли, что оксидативный стресс связывает NMDA- и ГАМК-гипотезы шизофрении?". Под обзором - сразу три комментария, в том числе от небезызвестного Дэна Джавита (Dan Javitt).

  • Schizophrenia Daily News Blog: Special K and Possible New Therapies For Treating Schizophrenia
  • Behrens MM, Ali SS, Dao DN, Lucero J, Shekhtman G, Quick KL, Dugan LL (2007). "Ketamine-induced loss of phenotype of fast-spiking interneurons is mediated by NADPH-oxidase". Science 318 (5856): 1645-7. doi:10.1126/science.1148045. PMID 18063801.
  • Does Oxidative Stress Link NMDA and GABA Hypotheses of Schizophrenia? - Schizophrenia Research Forum, schizophreniaforum.org, 9 Dec. 2007
    В моем журнале:
  • Глутаматная гипотеза шизофрении.
  • Генетика, анализ экспрессии подтверждают наличие ГАМК-дефицитов при шизофрении.
  • Ингибиторные нейросети, гамма-волны и шизофрения. Schizophreniaforum.org
  • Шизофрения: пример нарушенного редокс-контроля? (schizophreniaforum.org)
  • NMDA-рецептор, schizophrenia, кетамин, ketamine, шизофрения

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