В закладки. Публикация в PNAS по генетике шизофрении.

Dec 06, 2007 16:34

Авторы разработали новый метод анализа генома для поиска ассоциированных генов - whole-genome homozygosity association (WGHA). Обнаружили девять областей, которые могут иметь связь с шизофренией. В четырех областях находятся гены, уже связываемые с болезнью.

Признаюсь, мне сложно понять текст статьи. Слишком много непонятных участков приходится пропускать, но есть и интересные.

"The first step of WGHA analysis is the identification of runs of homozygosity (ROHs) in each subject, defined in the present study as any window of 100 or more consecutive SNPs on a single chromosome not receiving a heterozygous call (see Methods for details)....

...The total number of common ROHs marked ‘‘present’’ was summed for each ZHH subject to permit genomewide comparison across diagnostic groups. Of a total possible sum of 339, patients with schizophrenia demonstrated a significantly greater number of common ROHs relative to healthy volunteers. Nine individual ROHs significantly differed in frequency between cases and controls (Table 2); each was more common in SCZ cases."

The publication (in open access):
  • Todd Lencz, Christophe Lambert, Pamela DeRosse, Katherine E. Burdick, T. Vance Morgan, John M. Kane, Raju Kucherlapati, and Anil K. Malhotra
    Runs of homozygosity reveal highly penetrant recessive loci in schizophrenia (+ Fulltext PDF)
    PNAS published December 5, 2007, 10.1073/pnas.0710021104

    Covered in news and blogs:
  • Nine Genetic Markers Identified that can Increase a Person's Risk for Schizophrenia - schizophrenia.com
  • Feinstein researchers develop new genetic method and identify novel genes for schizophrenia - eurekalert.
  • Genes inherited by both parents could trigger schizophrenia - Jamie Talan's blog at The Feinstein Institute website.

  • P.S. И на Schizophrenia Research Forum разместили обзор:
  • Genetic Homozygosity Runs in Schizophrenia Families
  • генетика шизофрении, schizophrenia, шизофрения

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