Londinium 1112

Jun 05, 2012 12:35

Meeting more elves
Elf research!
The Bards guild
Elf music in the command tent
Elf meeting in the command tent
New Silver Elf Industries dress- Thank you Lauren!
New Aryvandaar
Elf Rage 1 and the Aryvandaar solution
Waterproof boots on sunday
Drying out on monday (must waterproof my coat...)
Massaging people in the scouts guild- it's lovely to have a proper couch set up :-)
Winning a dis-off with a Wolves NPC
Jumping in at the deep end
New Elf is finding his feet and getting known in the faction
Taking Newer Elf through character creation and helping him find fun things to do
"Hello, we're from the Healers Guild, do you have any questions?" "Yes, please explain Dread Lord Phobos."
Crushinating things. I liked it. I Liked it a LOT.
The knock on effect from the last elf ritual
Getting some fantastic speakers lined up for Team Interested Elves

Soggy sunday
Need more group meetings and activities
Lots of people I didn't get to see
Not seeing much of Jay/ Rurik

I had a really amazing event.I didn't play any of the games, but from all reports they were really well organised and thought out and people had the best GEF for yonks.
The elf meeting was a bit disorganised, I had an agenda and everything (written on the back of some research when I got to the meeting 5 min early, but still, ORGANISATION HAPPENED) but so many elves turned up (yay!) that we didn't fit in the Hunter's tent in the Harts and had to move to the Gryphons command tent and the Tarantulas sneaked in and took over while I wasn't looking. Or something. At least I got to cover all the things I wanted to, but there weren't any introductions and I think a few people felt a bit out of their depth with the historical references that were being thrown around. After The Bad Old Days in the trannies I have a hatred of people being left out like children while "the grown ups" deal with plot/ cool stuff, so I want to ensure that doesn't happen again.

Since starting this character I have wanted to be doing something that brings the elves together but have been racking my brain on how to do it without copying the fey. It's now happened totally by accident, I'm delighted to be organising it and it should be a lot of fun for many people :D
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