[15] -> Child of a Distant Star

Jan 16, 2011 18:59

[There's a young boy wandering around the town, wearing a strange clothes gold and red tunic with fabric that doesn't seem to be from Earth. He looks about 5 or 6 and extremely confused about where he is. He wanders around the town, shivering, clearly unused to the cold weather. Anyone might see him

A. Sitting on a bench, staring at all the passing by people as though he's never seen people before. Occasionally, he makes a motion like he might approach one, but falters each time.

B. Sneaking around around alleys and picking out random electronics out of dumpsters and trashcans. He might even venture close to a house or a garage to look in the window and see what's inside.

C. Sitting in a snowbank, surrounded by all the electronic junk he's found and connecting them together in strange ways and doing wiring that seems way too advanced for his age. He continually looks at the sky, as though he can't quite believe it's there or perhaps because it's very foreign to him.

[ooc: The Doctor is de-aged to about 6, before he enters the Prydon Academy and has never really met any people other than his mother and father. All replies will be from sonofgallifrey]

back dated, remembering gallifrey, !event: ten years later (or 900 before), this is new

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