Oh, carp!

Dec 30, 2011 18:24

So on the way back from spending Christmas with the family, I stopped into the Asian supermarket and bought SO MUCH STUFF.

Among the things I got were two HUGE pieces of carp, about two and a half pounds total counting bones and skin. The roomie doesn't like fish of any kind, and carp is pretty strong tasting, so I have to eat it all before she returns-- not a big problem given my appetite for fish, but I have so few tasty ways of cooking it!

What do you like to do with carp to make it tasty? I'm looking over some of the other fish-related entries. I'm also thinking I might throw one of the pieces in a pot with water and some watercress, onion, and cilantro and make soup.

ETA: Forgot to mention, I don't really have any diet restrictions. I'm allergic to the food coloring in kool-aid and gummy snacks, but that's hardly relevant to this.

seafood: fish

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