Easiest Fudge Recipe Around

Dec 30, 2011 23:36

I have gotten so many compliments on this fudge recipe, which I started making back in high school in the 1980s, and then lost the recipe for (which is really silly since it's SO simple) but recently found it again and felt the need to share.

Need to bring something to a holiday party or just want an easy dessert to share (or hoard!)? This fudge recipe is the simplest thing you will find:

3 cups chocolate chips (I use half milk and half semi-sweet in mine)
1 can sweetened condensed milk (NOT evaporated milk!)
a pinch of salt
1 1/2 tsp vanilla

Over medium-low heat, melt the chocolate chips until they are SMOOTH. No lumps acceptable.
Turn down the heat to very low.
Add the other ingredients and start stirring. It will turn kind of granular at first, but eventually it will become creamy smooth again (turn up the heat a wee bit if you need to).

Important preparation instruction:
Line the pan you will be making the fudge in with either waxed or parchment paper. I prefer parchment. If you don't do this, you will never, ever get the fudge out of the pan. Trust me on this.

Pour the molten fudge into the prepared pan (a small casserole dish is what I use--I think it's 9" x9") and spread as evenly as possible.
Put the pan into the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Remove from fridge and turn onto cutting board.
Cut into small squares. I recommend about 1" x 1" --this is really rich fudge and larger pieces can be overwhelming.
Put the squares into whatever container you wish and enjoy until they're gone.

If your house is pretty cool, you can store these on the counter. If it's above about 65/70F you will want to store them in the fridge, and remove them about 30 minutes before serving so they soften again.

I've gotten rave reviews from this fudge. I think I originally got the recipe off of the can of sweetened condensed milk, 25 years ago.

dessert: candy, dessert: all

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