Homemade Mayonnaise Help

Jun 13, 2011 17:52

I've been wanting to make my own mayonnaise lately, and after searching around the internet, I thought this recipe seemed to be the safest/most 'fail' proof. At first things were okay, but the egg and oil started separating. So I used the posters trick with the second egg yoke, and it instantly changed into the right texture. I was so excited, because it was mayonnaise.... but then, adding more oil, it separated again. When it started getting really thin and I couldn't stand it anymore, I tried using a third egg yolk, hoping the same thing would happen again... But no luck. So now I've got 'broken' mayonnaise sitting in my kitchen that I don't know what to do with. I'd really like to make it work. Any ideas?

ETA: Here's more or less what I did/used.

1 cup peanut oil (with a little bit of Extra Virgin Olive Oil mixed in)
2 large egg yolks (what I had in my fridge, not sure how fresh), plus a third in hopes of emulsifying the oil
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp ground mustard(whoops, the recipe suggested 1/4 tbsp... not sure if that made a difference)

Electric beater (blacks and decker 250 watts)
1 meduim sized plastic bowl
sip top water bottle for the oil

I beat the oil in very slowly, and the entire process took me over an hour.

I've also gotten rid of the broken mixture by now, because I didn't want to take any chances with it after it sat on my counter for a few hours, but tips for next time would be quite appreciated.
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