Learnt about colours today in Visual Comms class... There are so many concepts to learn about colours - the hues, the values, the saturations, the colour schemes (monochromatic, analogous, triadic etc) and etc.
But really, it's nice to know all of these. Cos' I have a warped sense of colour combinations, so knowing all these helps me to be clearer of what colours to use to mix and match. And now that my PP report is done, there is poster design, which makes use of a lot of Visual Comms concepts, so it's useful (:
Today I didn't make any contributions to the Visual Marketplace in class. V.M is a piece of mahjong paper stuck onto the classroom wall with bluetacks where we can paste anything that has visual designs, visual appeal, anything inspirational and etc.
But really, though I am may not become a designer in the future, but I still like this subject that I'm taking. Helps me to prepare to create my own world in the celestial eternities (read: well-designed and visually impactful creation) XD