A new day dawns

Mar 24, 2013 15:51

2013. I cant believe we are almost in April and I havent posted. Where to begin? My last post was drafted and meant to be finished, but seeing as it was an encounter with my ex, I decided to skip that shit and move on to a newer and fresher entry.

So this year has started off rather fun. It's funny how we say "nothing changes", but when you look back at this same time last year you'll see how different things are. Last year I was in my last school semester and avoiding the guy I started to date. Mind you he is my best friend now. What I'm saying is that life changes constantly, it's just that you need to look into the details, because what starts off small tends to escalate quickly.

Right now, in this moment and stage in my life, I am living adulthood. I feel like I lost a big piece of me when I graduated; what ever I had left of being a kid. But as time has gone by, although I will be 24 next month, I still feel like that kid that loved Peter Pan and lived in my imaginary world. Of course the real world isn't the same, but like everything, it has it's advantages and perks. Like someone once said "It's not a bad thing, just a different thing". These days I've learned to live and not get complicated. Overthinking has been my fault and I realized that I need to work at a more steady pace.

Also my whole "morality" issue. I was always too busy worrying that I was not acting in a way a respectable woman should. Truth is that one is always respectable, but sometimes when the atmospher and libations call for it, hey shit happens. I have to enjoy things while I am young, no one wants a 50 year old woman acting wild. Live life according to every stage, then worry about the outcome. How a professor once told me "Indulge in the pleasures of life".

Aside from this life is pretty much fine. New job, new friends, basically living. I have had years of advice and thinking, it was about time I started to put all that knowledge to good use, don't you think?

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