
Jan 12, 2009 11:09

Check out merlinarthurfqf, please. It's going to be awesome. ♥

Title: Exceptions
Fandom: Merlin (bbc)
Rating: PG
Length: 505
Character/Pairing: Uther, Merlin/Arthur
Summary: Uther knows.

Merlin is the only exception to the law.

Uther knows. He's known since the black knight, when the manservant put up a fight over the sword. Was confirmed when the sword, the sword that was meant for Arthur, killed the black knight, for whom only magic could kill.

He'd suspected since Merlin saved Arthur the first time. Anyone who beats magic falls under suspicion in Uther's book. But the boy had saved the crowned prince and needed some sort of reward, and with him employed as Arthur's manservant, Uther could keep a sharp eye on him.

What surprises Uther is not that Merlin is a sorcerer. Is not that Arthur still hasn't figured it out for himself. But that Uther does nothing.

Sometimes he wonders if it is a spell that keeps him from removing the sorcerer's head.

Other times, other times he thinks it is him being a father rather than a king.

The sorcerer manservant saves Arthur. That much Uther knows. And the father in him sees nothing wrong with this. Arthur does, after all, manage to get into a lot of magical problems. He fears that if it weren't for Merlin, Arthur would be dead.

So Uther says nothing. He doesn't even let on that he knows, because then he would be going against his own law. He is not that type of king.

He waits. For when Arthur finds out. Because Uther knows his son is unaware. He knows his son better than people think. He knows his son is too enamored by the sorcerer, too put under his spell.

Only Uther knows it's not a magical spell his son is under.

He doesn't want to know exactly what is between the crowned prince of Camelot and the sorcerer, because he is sure it is something he will not agree with. He has seen them together, after all. Seen the way the manservant disrespects, been privy to the lengths they will go to save each other's lives.

He waits, and looks out the window of his chamber, watches prince and sorcerer swordfight. They are but spots in the distance, colors blurred to nothing. But Uther knows what they look like. Arthur is red, chain mail over it, glimmering--though with dull smudges the manservant has missed--and Merlin is in armor--armor all over, because he is horrible at combat. It makes Uther wonder if the manservant even has enough power to protect Arthur adequately.

He knows he is waiting for nothing.

Arthur will find out his manservant has been lying to him. Arthur will storm and shout and frost, but there will be more hurt.

He will not tell Uther about his manservant.

Uther will not let on that he knows. Not unless the sorcerer does wrong.

Prince and sorcerer will grow closer, with no secrets to force a wedge between them, and they will wait until Uther dies. And after that… Uther knows but he doesn't think about it. He abides by his own laws, and can only make an exception by not acknowledging.

merlin/arthur, merlin, drabble

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