
Jan 12, 2009 11:09

Check out merlinarthurfqf, please. It's going to be awesome. ♥

Title: Exceptions
Fandom: Merlin (bbc)
Rating: PG
Length: 505
Character/Pairing: Uther, Merlin/Arthur
Summary: Uther knows.
exceptions )

merlin/arthur, merlin, drabble

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Comments 45

souzoukyuuketsu January 12 2009, 16:59:22 UTC
Great story, and view of Uther.


confiteor_3 January 12 2009, 18:03:27 UTC
Thanks you!


tearful_eye January 12 2009, 17:01:44 UTC
huh. i loved that...

i'm a sucker for uther/merlin relationship thingies, and i really like the way how uther thinks of merlin here, so lovely.


confiteor_3 January 12 2009, 18:04:24 UTC
I'm a sucker for Uther knowing and Merlin not ending up on the chopping block. *g*



nightingale_r3 January 12 2009, 17:07:20 UTC
very interesting- I love Uther pov of Merlin is more as Arthur father than the king :)


confiteor_3 January 12 2009, 18:05:52 UTC
Yeah, I really dislike it when Uther is protrayed as completely king with little father, because he really does care about Arthur.


lickingbeads January 12 2009, 17:10:57 UTC
This is one of those fics I didn't know I wanted to see written, and it's perfect. To tell the truth - this fic makes me love Uther, and I didn't think that was possible. Just - great work.


confiteor_3 January 12 2009, 18:07:18 UTC
Hee, this is one of those fics I didn't think I'd ever write seeing as I don't particularly like Uther. But it wrote itself while I was showering, so I thought, why not.

Thanks for reading. ♥


bramble_rose January 12 2009, 17:29:22 UTC
I love how this shows how much Uther loves his son :-)


confiteor_3 January 12 2009, 18:09:30 UTC
♥ Uther showing his fatherly love is made of win. :)


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