"A healthy relationship is full of laughter, gratitude, kindness and respect. If conflict is crowding out all these elements and leaving you with nothing but constant squabbling, then it's going to be tough to build a meaningful and fulfilling relationship." I am not sure if this quote was texted or emailed to me but isn't it just sooo true?!
Healthy relationships make life so much better. They inspire us to be the best that we can be. They make us confident in taking risks knowing that we have a support system that will carry us through difficult situations.
On the other hand, toxic relationships can snuff the light out of us like a lighted cande in the middle of the storm. The word "toxic" is an appropriate adjective for this kind of relationship because it can cause malfunction, injury, a poisonous effect, and sometimes even death.
An example of a toxic relationship is the one that teenagers usually get into nowadays. A pretty girl meets a good-looking boy and decides to have a romantic relationship based on an initial physical attraction. The problem here is, since the relationship is founded on physical attraction, all kinds of insecurities come in. The girl thinks to herself: "Will my boyfriend still want me to be his girlfriend if he meets another girl who is a lot prettier than I am?" This fear will cause jealousy and fits of anger which will soon lead to the end of the relationship.
Life is a series of choices so always take time to make the right ones!
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