May 14, 2007 09:52
Well, I did it. I cut my hair and it feels really, really good. It hasn't been this short since... Ever, and I like it a lot. Apparently, so does everyone else. I'm still not sure how I feel about how it looks but oddly, random people have been really nice to me lately.
Went to a party on... Sunday night, I think. Or Monday. Yeah, probably Monday. Damn, what a good time. Got a little tipsy, got a little blazed, but the best part was, I saw Stan, Nate, Ray, and a bunch of other people I haven't seen in forever. Seriously, I haven't seen Nate for a good four years, and it turns out he plays World of Warcraft, so I rolled a new character on his server and joined the guild he's in and most of the people in it are people he knows irl that worked at Gamestop with him a while back. I think I'll be spending a lot of my time there from now on since Garona's become something of a cesspool. It's sweet as hell because I've missed hanging out with Nate. One of my top five favorite people of all time. Anyway, there were some hot girls at the party but they all had boyfriends, so yeah. I'm not going near that. Again.
Carrie and I went out to the Mall of America on Friday since she felt like shopping. It's always cool hanging out with her since we always have a good time, and she's actually one of the few people I can regularly be around these days. It's amazing how nearly everyone is so absorbed into their lives. Well, we bought some things for Mother's Day, and I gave my mother her gift and card and she loved it, mainly because she wasn't expecting it. She even put the card on the fridge. I love her a lot, and we've gotten a lot better over the years. My father on the other hand... Not so much. But I can safely say that he's the reason for it. How close can you get to someone when the only reason they come near you is to ask you for money or to sign checks or to help out with bills that aren't yours to begin with?
And onto the aspect of my life that's rapidly descending to the bottom of my consciousness which, in hindsight, is where it should've been all along. She hasn't talked to me for almost a week now, and seeing as how I automatically come to the conclusion that she's found someone else after not hearing from her for an extended period of time, I've decided to branch out and begin dating again, especially with my new look and clothes and everything else I have going for me. I'd say that she's an idiot for throwing me away and how I was ready and willing to give up everything for her, but... Never mind, I will say it. But knowing my luck, shortly after I begin seeing someone else, she'll IM me from out of nowhere and tell me she wants to give us another try and complicate things all over again. I can't wait forever though, especially with how little trust I have for her and how convinced I am that she's been seeing other people behind my back this whole time. If she tries to talk to me, I'm not even going to respond. Make her work for it for a change, although I won't be surprised if I never hear from her again after that.
Oh! Speaking of her, she loves the Detroit Tigers, and last night when I got home from work, I was flipping through the channels and saw that my Twins were playing and by some crazy turn of events they were playing the Tigers. We were winning 6-3, so naturally, I watched the rest of the game with hopes that the Tigers lose. Well, not only do they lose, they got their asses handed to them 16-4 and I haven't smiled so much in a long, long time. Pretty much everything involving Michigan or Detroit can burn in hell at this point. I can't believe I was actually going to move out to that shithole. Minnesota, I love you so damn much. <3
Bah. Carrie's gone until Wednesday since she's visiting family in Wisconsin. I'm trying to remember all the things that've happened since my last post so I'm all over the place.
If I haven't mentioned it before, any and all plans to move out to Florida are gone. I've decided I don't want to get into acting, but I'm still unsure of what exactly it is that I want to do with my life. Have still got a lot of soul searching to do.
Hm. I need to take some new pictures. I'm clean-cut now and all I have are pictures that are years old.
Not sure what else there is to write about. Hm... I found out Amby is a complete slut and that she only got married for the health, tax and housing benefits since her husband's in the service. How sad is that? I could never imagine marrying someone just for the money or for convenience. She even sleeps with an ex of hers and random friends while her husband's away. Bleh.
Isn't my new default userpic precious? I'd say so. I smile every time I see it.