Jan 20, 2010 08:08
Hi out there. A few weeks ago I mentioned that, while anonymous comments from real people are welcome, I was screening them to avoid spam. It turns out the spam I'm getting (and there's not a lot of it) is pretty well exclusively from bots. So I've turned off screening and turned on Captcha (that annoying prove-you're-human-by-typing-these-words function) which I hope will stop the bots. The advantage to humans without LJ accounts is, you no longer have to wait for me to unscreen your comments.
I realize this is not a Great Big Deal, since this isn't a high-traffic journal by any means, but I do want to make it clear that anyone who reads something here and wants to comment on it is welcome to do so (within, obviously, the normal limits of courtesy.) I just find bots annoying, and unlike with horses you can't scrape the eggs off your blog with a pumice stone.
[Edited Jan 22 to add: Yeah, looks like Captcha isn't going to do it. Back to screening.]