The regeneration cancellation. WTF?!
No wonder there were no news items on who the new actor was. What a crock. Purely made to make people tune in. BOOO.
Rose got her very own (Human/)Doctor.
Poor sod. All that effort and she gets the cast off that's the half-Human Doctor reset to the 2005 model without a T.A.R.D.I.S, war scarred and all.
(You think they'd also allow the cast off to say "I love you" out loud without riots being caused.)
The Earth towing was hard to swallow, but after the miracle of the Doctor's chant-triggered de-aging, flying and the "time-reboot" with the Master last season, I can forgive the stretch.
Donna leaving.
Expected possibly, but having to wipe her mind and reset her personality? Could the galaxy be crueller to her?
(Odd definition of dead, but yes, Caan was right, she DID die, if that version of Donna anyway.)
After such a build-up, the Doctor-Donna was kinda an easy fix, much like the satellites and Earth's inhabitants chanting "Doctor!" until a magic ball of energy made him de-age and fly around.
(BOO to the quick fixes! The point of a massive build-up is consequence, not quick fixes!!! Thank fuck they'll let another guy take over before Davies chokes on his own worsening gigantic efforts.)
All in all, it was fun, but what a downer of an ending. :(
What did you all think?