These are some really great stories I love to read over and over, and just never get old. I'm also (hopefully) going to be posting recs regularly, because these were fun to do. ;)
Call It Love Rocket by
pearl_oBob/Frank, Pete/Mikey, and unseen Gerard/Lyn-Z, PG, 1723 words
Summary: Frank grinned. "Bob Bryar doesn't know it yet, but he's taking me to the junior prom."
High school AU. Sequel to
Deep in the Belly of a Whale and
You're So Lucky I'm Around.
Frank is an adorable freshman and wants to go to a prom with Bob! Sweet happy fic.
Frank Iero: The Tiniest Fanboy by
lovelypoetGen, G, 2567 words
Summary: So, once upon a time, I bunnied this story where Frank Iero turned into a toddler.
Frank is a Panic fan and Bob takes care of him. Super sweet and funny.
here, where the daylight begins by
addandsubtract (
Gerard/Ryan with some Ryan/TomConrad and others, R, 22212 words
Summary: Ryan finishes the book two years, five months, and fourteen days after Panic ends. It takes up twelve black notebooks; each one is five inches by eight-and-a-half inches, with one hundred and twenty blank pages, unlined.
I read this a lot. It has a sad tone, but a happy story overall. I'm not sure I fully believe it could go like this, but I still love it, the plot is sweet. I like the relationships shown here, the friendships and pairings.
I Wrote This Story About Jon Walker And Patrick Stump And All I Got Was This Stupid Title by
calatheaJon/Patrick, PG, 6615
Summary: How Patrick got his 5o4Plan hat.
Gorgeously sweet story, set in the early(-ish) days of FOB. So, so funny! I love the whole bit with the Prince shirt. And how Jon is with Patrick is great.
Mind Over Matter by
steppsRay/Spencer, PG, 2428 words
Summary: This Smith problem stemmed from the kid looking like a girl.
Gah, so much love for this story. It's tourfic, an awesome pairing that there really needs to be more of, so funny, and has a really interesting believable Ray. Features my fave kind of Spencer (early Panic, slightly girly) and a whole bunch of bandom people, what's not to love?
Not a Pretty Girl by
idyllGen, PG-13 for the most part, 28148 words
Summary: Girl!Bob 'verse. I wrote this out of order and in piecemeal, a large chunk of it being for
I love this so, so much, I cant even say. It takes part in different parts of Bob's life, sometimes going back and forth and telling an amazing story of a female in the music scene. I have no idea how accurate it is about 'the scene' or whatever, but it's bloody brilliant all the same. Really inspiring and gorgeous. I love this Bob so much! And I especially love her relationship with Brian.
patrick stump: the owner's manual by
lordessrenegadeFrank/Patrick with some minor Frank/Pete, NC-17, 1408 words
Summary: written for
bandslashmania's porn challenge.
So freaking adorable, sweet, funny, and sure packs a big punch, tells such a story, for so short a fic. One of my all time favourite's, I read it a lot to cheer me up.
Protégé by
tigsGen, PG, 2200 words
Summary: That's pretty much the moment that Pete realizes that Spencer has somehow become, like, the Executive Vice President of Everything for Pete Wentz Enterprises.
Another I don't know if I believe in, but I love it nonetheless.
so cheap and juicy! by
figletofveniceBrendon/Spencer, PG-13, 7127 words
Cabin-era. Adorable!Brendon. Well written fluff. Nicely shows the friendship of the boys when it's just them, hanging out.
Social Activism (or, How to Make the World a Better Place by Kissing Spencer Smith) by
airgiodslvSpencer/Gerard, PG-13, 1416 words
Summary:“This is political,” Gerard announces, and kisses him.
I love this so freaking much! It features two of my favourite bandom boys, has a public reaction scene, which I crave, and is set on a huge bandom bands concert-thing, which I would so love to read about in full.
You and Me and an Egg Makes Three by
thekitchenidiotPatrick/Pete, Unrated but I'd give it a PG, 2255 words
Summary: For the
slutrick's Patrick Fic Fest prompt #46: Patrick/Pete - High school AU, where they are paired up to do the "Mock Family" project in Home Ec.
Really sweet, funny, fluffy, feel-good fic.
you and me and the moon by
sinuous_curve &
flickerofyouMikey/Spencer, R, 18964 words
Summary: in this 'verse men get pregnant, and it's cool, okay? loosely based off of the movie,
I love this so much, for a lot of different reasons. One, the pairing. I'm a sucker for rairpairs in general, and anything with Spencer Smith is a sure way to get my attention. Two, mpreg, and how it's done here especially. Three, the relationships. Ryan and Spencer in this are gorgeous bffs. Four, how bandom characters are shown in the story, I love them all, and they all make sense. I could probably go on and on, but this is enough, no?
Your Wish Is Granted by
ignipesPanic GSF, PG-13, 7037 words
Summary: "Spencer," Brendon said slowly, looking at each of them in turn, "what exactly did you wish for?"
Awesome, Spencer-centric GSF, which is my favourite kind. ;) Cute and funny.
I'm also sort of planning a post on the kinds of fic I like, just so people know what to expect in my recs. :)