
Jul 23, 2011 06:23

had to make a friends-only contact info post because i'm going to take a hiatus from fandom. places i'm definitely cutting use from are livejournal and tumblr (will still try to comment on your interesting entries! and reply back to any messages). also, feel free to add me on aim and msn, but i definitely won't go on those when i'm on hiatus. and if i do, rarely. sorry to be doing this, but it's my senior year and i'm really trying to prepare ahead for university. ut austin has been sending me emails and invitations to attend meetings, and they've really gotten me thinking about pursuing my higher education there. also, i still want to try to go to school in california so that's going to be even harder. please wish me luck, because this year is crucial for me.

with my new part-time job, volunteering at the library and the hospital, studying for SATs, practicing tennis, being in nhs and student council when school starts, and college apps, it will just be difficult to go on internet. please, please, please spam my twitter with happy/random/life things and i will get back to your tweets whenever i can.
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