Challenge Fic: Double Date

Apr 15, 2008 15:00

Title: Double Date
Claim: General DCU
Characters\Pairing: Hal\Kyle, Wally\Linda
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1005
Prompt: Party (T07; P25)
Continuity: The sexy one in my head.
Summary: Wally and Linda come over for dinner with Hal and Kyle. It hits the fan.
Disclaimer: DC owns’em. I’m just playing.
Author’s notes\Warnings: Wow, grimmer than I thought it’d be. Poor Wally. Poor Kyle. Poor Hal.

It wasn’t that he exactly wanted a world ending crisis but one wouldn’t be unwelcome. It couldn’t be any worse than what he was doing. Twirling the merlot in the wine glass before him, Wally tried to will some sort of catastrophe into existence. Anything that would save him and Linda from a night of watching Hal and Kyle make out over chicken cacciatore.

He had nothing against Kyle’s new romance except that it was really weird. Hal was practically his uncle and Kyle was like a brother to him. So watching his brother French kiss his uncle made for a pretty surreal dinner party.

“More wine?” Kyle offered the bottle to his guests and Linda thrust out her glass. She had already had two and was well on her way to buzzed. Wally envied her; his metabolism never let him get drunk and a good black out was just the ticket right now.

A tinny ding from the kitchen drew Kyle’s attention from his guests. “That’s the bread. Give me a hand Hal?” Grabbing his lover’s hand, the younger man dragged him to the kitchen.

“Work, work, work,” Hal joked as he vanished into the next room.

“I bet he wants to give him a hand,” Linda muttered into her wine glass.

“Lin!” Wally exclaimed, looking over his shoulder to make sure that no one was listening.

“Come on Wally. Don’t you think it’s a little disturbing? It’s like those stories about teachers who have relationships with their students. People admire them for attracting some young thing but at the same time you know someone’s going to get arrested.”

Wally banged his head on the table. This was so wrong.

“Here’s dinner!” Kyle called out, carrying a big bowl of pasta. Hal followed closely behind him with the bread basket. They looked flushed and Hal’s shirt was only half tucked in the front. Wally promptly lost his appetite.

When everyone was settled and the pasta dished out, Linda posed the question that Wally had no intention of ever asking ever.

“So how did you two know that you wanted to be together?”

The happy couple smiled warmly at each other and snuggled closer. “Oh well, I suppose I always had a crush on Hal.” Kyle admitted. He picked up a piece of bread and lavishly buttered it before putting it on Hal’s plate. “He was so brave and fearless. The perfect hero. And sexy.” Kyle winked at his partner.

Hal smiled and rubbed something under the table that Wally prayed was Kyle’s knee. “It was sort of a surprise for me. I had always considered Kyle a colleague and one of the bravest men I had ever known. It wasn’t until after Sinestro’s war that I saw him as someone I could love. Knowing the same fear I had, well, I knew that no one could understand me like Kyle could. That was it for me. I knew I had found the real deal.” Wally watched in growing horror as his best friend cooed and locked lips with Hal Jordan.

“Have you two been tested for mind control agents?” He blurted out. They were brainwashed, they had to be. Or maybe, hopefully, Wally himself had been driven insane by some super-villain and was hallucinating this whole experience. That would be a relief.

“Wally!” Linda reprimanded him, slightly slurring her words.

“I’m sorry but I have trouble believing this. Since when are either of you gay?”

“Wally, I can’t help who I love,” Kyle replied hotly. “I thought you’d be happy for me. I found someone I care about and who cares about me. After all the bad luck I’ve had in the past, I think I deserve a little happiness.”

“I never said you didn’t!” Wally jumped out of his seat and threw his napkin on the table. “But it’s Hal Jordan. Hal Jordan, Kyle! He has so many notches on his bed post that it looks like it went ten rounds with a horde of angry beavers! Have you been tested for diseases?”

Linda cringed, sighed, and got up to go get her purse. Maybe they could stop at the Chinese place down the street from the house and pick up something to eat.

“I resent that Wally! Is this what Barry taught you about friendship and respect?” Hal threw his own napkin on the table and seemed ready to leap over it to teach Wally a lesson himself.

“Don’t you say a single word about Barry! He never ran around giving STDs to the next generation!” Linda pulled Wally out of the way just as Hal came over the table at him.

“Sorry! I’m so sorry! Thank you for dinner,” she called over her shoulder as she pushed Wally out the door.

Outside in the cool air, she let her husband have it. “Are you completely insane? How could you say those things to your best friend and your uncle’s best friend? What were you thinking?”

Wally paced circles around her at super speed, wearing the pavement down to a dusty trench. He couldn’t believe he said those things either but it was just so cosmically wrong. His mind was still having trouble taking in the facts.

“It’s mind control, Linda, it has to be,” he said finally. Slowing down until he came to stand in front of her, Wally grabbed her hands. “I’m going to find out who did this to them and stop it. It’ll be OK.”

“It’ll be OK,” he repeated to himself, looking up at the window of Kyle’s apartment. A figure stood silhouetted there before releasing the blinds with an audible snap.

“If you say so,” Linda allowed. “Just think about what you’re doing, alright?”

“I’m going to save my friend. It’ll be OK.” But deep inside he knew that even if he could save Kyle, it wouldn’t be OK. It might never be OK ever again.

So holding Linda’s hand, he did all that he could do for the moment and walked away into the night.  

hal\kyle, flash, comicshopgrl: general dcu

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