Best Served Cold

Nov 14, 2012 19:29

Working Title: Best Served Cold
Word Count:500
Fandom: Avengers, Hawkeye
Character: Clint Barton
Rating: Pg-13
Challenge: #18: Delicious

Revenge was dish served cold. That was a saying Clint could definitely agree with. He looked down his sights at the target down below, glad that his road to revenge was finally at an end.

It had been years struggling with the rage he felt toward the man who walked below. He saw the peoples’ lives wrecked by grief as their livelihoods were leeched away by a con-man. He had his brother turn against him to side with this criminal. Every assassin the Swordsman had sent, Clint had dealt with efficiently. Yet every time he tried to find the man himself he was elusive. So Clint had busied himself with other tasks, but the whole time that desire to find his mentor ticked away in the back of his mind.

And here the Swordsman was again, returning to the literal scene of the crime. Guess the mark looked too easy to pass up. Clint figured that the prospect of the circus doing well once more and taking new performers would be the perfect bait to lure him out of hiding. After all, he was sure The Swordsman thought the circus owed him for all the services he did for them. Guess it was time to let him have the payment he deserved. Clint took a deep breath and held it. He pulled back the bow string and nocked an arrow. Calculate a little bit to the left to account for wind. Ready?




He let the arrow fly and breathed out. The arrow hit its mark true, like he knew it would. A weighted net sprang forth and enveloped his target. Clint pressed a button on the bow and the weights sprung stakes, rooting themselves into the ground. Quickly another arrow was nocked and fired in close proximity to the man. He was careful not to hit the man in the head, that death would be too kind for him. A simple note was attached, one Clint was sure the man could see even pinned as he was. "Got ya!" it read. The arrow blinked and started sounding whistling noises.

From the area around the carnival performers began to become aware of the intruder's presence. The crowd started out small but quickly grew, drawn by the whistling.

"Is that-"

"No way, I can't believe he has the balls to show back up here."

"Wonder if he has that money on him."

"If he doesn't he'll have to repay us somehow."

"I'm sure we can think of something. I know I at least want to slug him one right across the face."

Clint smiled and slung his bow across his back. He figured the other performers could handle it from here; he had already been here too long as it was. He had done his job, leaving the criminal at the mercy of those that he had wronged. Truly he could think of no more of a fitting punishment. Quite a delicious dish if he did say so himself.

fandom: the avengers (movie), fandom: marvel 1610 (ultimate universe), challenge 018, character: clint barton

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