Title:A Sudden Frost Characters: Dany Heatley, Ryan Smyth, Thomas Vokum (friendship and enemy fic) Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, it is untrue.
Title: All Summer it hurt to not see you there Pairing: Mike York / Scottie Upshall (past Mike York / Jason Smith) Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction
Title: Cleanliness Pairing: Steve Staios / Jason Smith Rating: R Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, it is untrue. AN's Kennedy gave the prompts; cleanliness, dead cats, tacos of shame. (and the pairing)
Title: Untitled (do hockey players dream of frozen lakes?) Pairing: Steve Staios / Jason Smith Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, it is untrue Rating: R