Title: Harvest
Pairing: Ales/Petr Hemsky
Disclainer: This is fiction, it is untrue.
Rating: NC-17 (cest warning)
thekatcameback Ales stretches out the quiet spaces between them. He is a miser of words, pauses at the end of his sentences. Lets half-answers, hover, elastic with the pressure of what is unsaid.
Flattery falls first, then descriptions are thinned and pleasantries pruned. The bones of the vines that secure them are slowly revealed. Naked and gleaming.
They settle into silence.
Ales panics and splatters speech over the room. Tries to glue leaves and clothes onto pale wood. The pressure of memories traps them in sticky webs of words and barriers and walls.
Ales wills himself soundless. He drops words out as lists. Abandons and. Purges pronouns and promises. His tongue is still. And forgets the. And then there and that flutter free.
Finally all that is left is them.