'till death do them part [r] jared/jensen

Jul 22, 2010 08:25

Title: ‘till death do them part
Author enablelove
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Prompts filled:
spn_30snapshots Theme 04: Lover’s Rock - Prompt: 9. need
schmoop_bingo table - wedding - consummation
kissbingo table - body: thighs
Warnings: Unapologetic schm♥♥p. Sexual content.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Jared and Jensen don’t belong to me. Only to each other themselves.
Summary: It’s finally time to consummate their marriage.
Word Count: 853
A/N: This is a continuation of a different type of wedding shower. Reading, while not necessary, may be helpful. Hope ya’ll enjoy! (Thanks, as always, go to Rona <3)

After their driver drops them off to the hotel, Jared and Jensen laughingly get out, touching the whole time. They barely move away from each other as they wave goodbye to the limo, check in, and get in the elevators. Some part of them is always touching - Jensen’s lips to Jared’s neck, Jared’s hand against the small of Jensen’s back, Jensen’s hand under Jared’s damp shirt to touch his stomach, or Jared’s leg wrapped around Jensen’s hip.

Jared’s surprisingly pushed against the wall of the elevator by Jensen after he presses their floor button, and Jensen ravishes Jared’s mouth. There’s really no other word for the sheer enthusiasm he has as he kisses Jared with so much need and passion and want. It’s like Jensen will die without Jared’s mouth on his, but it’s not as if Jared’s complaining, he feels the same way too. Jared is allowed to ravish and be ravished on his wedding night, it’s practically a law. He arches against Jensen as Jensen moves onto Jared’s neck, scraping his teeth gently against the delicate stretch of skin.

Jensen knows the exact spots that make Jared insane with want and desire and need.

“Fuck, Jensen!” Jared moans and he can feel Jensen smile into Jared’s neck, his still wet hair against Jared’s flushed skin making Jared shiver. He can picture the wicked smirk perfectly.

Both of them are breathing harshly when the elevator finally dings and opens to their floor and they practically run to their room. Jared presses himself flush against Jensen’s back as he shakily opens the door with the keycard, fumbling a little. The door opens at last and both of them tumble inside, Jared dragging Jensen to the bed and climbing on top.

This really was going to be a real consummation of the wedding night, as they actually hadn’t had full on sex yet, preferring to wait until they got married. It was one of the hardest things to do, pun completely intended, but Jared knew it’d be worth it in the end. Of course, being two red-blooded males, they had done almost everything else, but actual sex was sacred for them.

Jared can only remember the rest of the night in snatches, and the feeling of need and nownownow.

The kisses Jensen had peppered his entire body with and then Jared returning the favor, spending a good part of it between Jensen’s parted thighs, marking them and sucking on the soft skin, driving Jensen insane. Jared figured out early on that Jensen’s thighs were one of his triggers; that even brushing the skin there could make Jensen arch of the bed and become a mumbling mess.

The slow preparation of Jared, Jensen’s nimble fingers opening him so reverently.

The perfect arch of Jensen’s back as he thrust inside Jared, looking so gorgeous as his muscles strained and beads of sweat formed on his brow.

The soft kisses alternated with every touch, stroke, push.

They lie on the bed, Jensen’s head resting on Jared’s chest and his hand brushing over Jared’s skin. It tickles, but Jared’s too happy to ask Jensen to stop. His own hand sweeps along Jensen’s back, fingers touching the cooling sweat. The bed is rumpled and dirty as are the both of them, but Jared can’t will himself to move towards the shower, so content in this moment with Jensen.

Jared’s glad they waited for tonight. It meant so much more because their first time was with them as husbands. The word never fails to ignite sparks in his belly, making him tingle happily.

“What are you smiling about?” Jensen asks, not even having to look up at him to know. Jared’s sure he’s beaming goofily right now.

“Us. Being husbands,” he answers completely truthfully, a sappy grin evident in his voice. Jensen lifts up a little at that to look at him, and a slow smile spreads across his face too, filled with so much love and happiness. He leans down at the same time Jensen tilts up, mouths meeting in a soft and perfect kiss. Jensen props himself properly across Jared’s body and Jared holds him in place as their tongues twist around each other, re-learning each other’s mouths.

Jensen finally pulls away for some much needed oxygen, smile still firmly in place.

“I like the sound of that,” he whispers. Jared nods at that, loving the word that describes them now.

“C’mon, let’s go take a shower,” he says, lifting up and pulling Jensen with him.

Jensen whimpers a refusal, probably not wanting to leave the comfortable bed.

“I’ll make it worth your while,” Jared cajoles and Jensen finally gets off the bed.

“Promise?” Jensen asks him.

“For the rest of my life,” Jared responds truthfully. Jensen’s eyes soften at that and he pulls Jared in for a deep kiss, carding his fingers through Jared’s hair as Jared’s hands rest low on Jensen’s back, holding them flush against each other. Jared could kiss Jensen like this forever, and he’s thrilled to find that he can. They’re married now. He’s going to have this till death does them part.

challenge: spn_30snapshots, type: porn, sequel, rating: r, wc: 500-999, challenge: kissbingo, type: schmoop, challenge: schmoop_bingo

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