a different type of wedding shower [pg] jared/jensen

Jul 19, 2010 19:40

Title: a different type of wedding shower
Author enablelove
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Prompts filled:
spn_30snapshots Theme 04: Lover’s Rock - Prompt: 12. wet
schmoop_bingo table - wedding - shower
kissbingo table - wild card (location: wedding)
Warnings: Unapologetic schm♥♥p.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Jared and Jensen don’t belong to me. Only to each other themselves.
Summary: The fire alarm goes off in the middle of their reception, thus triggering the sprinklers and getting them all soaking wet.
Word Count: 868
A/N: This is for elless18 who gave me the above summary when I asked for prompts for my table. This is also because it’s Jared’s birthday today!! Hope ya’ll enjoy! (Thanks, as always, go to Rona <3)

“I do,” Jensen says.

“And with that you may kiss the groom. The other groom, that is,” the minister says. The crowd laughs and Jensen looks straight at Jared who is smiling the biggest and most gorgeous smile Jensen’s seen yet. He can’t wait for a lifetime of those smiles. He leans in, automatically bringing a hand up to tangle it in Jared’s hair while Jared’s hand cups his jaw. It’s a slow kiss, deep and sweet and filled with the promise of forever.

Both of them get lost in the kiss, not wanting it to end, but they finally pull apart laughing when they hear catcalls and Chad’s groan of alright already!.

Jensen and Jared walk back down the aisle, hand in hand, to the limo that’s going to take them to the reception.

They hear Chris shouting behind them, “No funny business now, you hear?”

Jensen really wants to ignore him, but as they sit inside the limo, he knows the hall is a short drive and what he has in mind for Jared is going to take way longer than the drive itself. And his momma and momma-in-law would kill them both, and he actually wants to stay alive for his wedding night.

They’re still holding hands as they’re seated and Jared leans in for a kiss. Jensen opens his mouth, letting Jared’s tongue slip inside and his own tongue winds around Jared’s. He squeezes Jared’s palm and they’re content to just make out like a couple of teenagers until they reach their destination. Their driver honks and only then are they taken out of the haze of lips and tongues and wet and heat and desire and love.

Jensen can feel himself blushing, but he’s entitled to do whatever he wants, it’s his wedding day after all. They get out of the limo and walk inside the hall, everyone else already having arrived. Jensen sees the table set aside for them, marked by the bigger centerpiece and bolder colors. The band starts playing and food is served.

The both of them dance with their momma’s and their sisters and each other. Jensen spies Jared dancing with his niece, her little toes stepping on Jared’s feet and Jared’s adorable grin as he holds her hands tight. Jensen feels a warm glow in his heart, wondering about the future and the little girl as their daughter dancing on her daddy’s toes.

It’s time to cut the cake and of course they get it all over each other first. Before they can wipe it away, Jensen hears the shrill ringing of the fire alarm. The crowd all looks around in confusion and suddenly the sprinklers start, triggered by the alarm, and shower everyone with water.

Jensen can hear shrieks as people are doused and soaked, but when he looks up, he sees Misha waving from the door and knows, without a doubt, who the culprit is.

“Saved clean up time,” Misha mouths at him and Jensen holds his middle finger up, but he laughs, past being surprised by Misha’s antics.

“Misha,” is all he has to say when Jared’s looking at him, eyebrow raised. Jared laughs along with him and Jensen just takes a moment to look at him. He looks a bit like a drowned puppy, cake and frosting melting off his face from the water. His hair is matted to his forehead as droplets drip down his skin, some caught in Jared’s eyelashes and making them glitter. His suit is sticking to him, and the white collar of his button down is now completely see through.

Jensen knows he’s probably not better off, but Jared has never looked more gorgeous in his eyes. Jared looks at him, eyes bright, and they both lean in, apparently reading each other’s minds. Jensen shivers a little from the cold water, and Jared’s arms come completely around him, rubbing his arms and warming him up. Jensen loves that he never has to really say anything, Jared knows him completely.

They kiss, not bothered by the guests who have given up drying to duck for cover and are just dancing along. They ignore the sounds of laughter and music and chattering, caught up in their own world of each other, tongues and lips dancing to their own tune.

The heat of Jared’s mouth warms him up, and the sprinklers have finally stopped.

Jared pulls away, breathing heavily, and finds Jensen’s hand with his own, holding it tightly.

“Ready to get out of here, husband?” Jared asks. Jensen likes the sound of that.

“After you, husband,” Jensen says, smiling so wide his cheeks hurt. Jared shoots him a just as huge grin and both of them don’t even bother saying bye to anybody, intent on getting to the limo in their drenched suits, squeaks coming from their shoes as they run out of the hall.

They fall into their limo, laughing loudly and reaching for each other as soon as the door is shut, kissing messily. The driver starts the limo, and Jensen knows he’s headed towards the hotel they’re going to stay at tonight. Jensen can’t wait to finally consummate their wedding, getting ready for the rest of their lives.

challenge: kissbingo, wc: 500-999, type: schmoop, challenge: schmoop_bingo, challenge: spn_30snapshots, wedding!fic, rating: pg

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