Studio Stuff

Jan 29, 2010 19:16

My first intaglio project is due next Wednesday. I stayed behind last night, and went to school today (on my day off) to work in the studio. I feel so rushed.. and it's not because I was procrastinating, but because the first 3 classes were mostly spent watching demos.. which means we pretty much only had one week to work on our project.

Intaglio.. is a lot more work than screenprinting.. It's labour intensive.. toxic.. and tiring. The first time I tried printing my hands were literally bathing in kerosene because I kept on getting so much ink on them. My nails are so black and gross now lol.

I managed to print all my editions today.. so on Monday, I'm going to come to school early to stetch them.. and then that means on Tuesday, I have to go into the studio again to curate them. Ugh.. printing classes are always so time consuming.

I'm definitely glad I switched into the Wednesday class though.. my instructor is really helpful, nice, and actually knows what he's doing. But, he seems like he might be a strict marker.

For my Historical Techniques and Materials class.. I finally started painting my manuscript. It's going to take so long to finish the whole thing. Painting with egg tempera is a very slow process. And although my picture is small (approximately 5 by 8 inches), there is a lot of detail.

Here is what it tooks like so far. And beside that is what the actual manuscript should look like.


I also just realized that I have three assignments due next week.. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday... hurray.

art: manuscript illumination, university: 3rd year

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