Jun 18, 2008 20:19
I realized today that I still have this account, and I probably haven't been on in forever, which indeed I haven't. Not that it matters, because absolutely no one that I'm friends with is even remotely on this anymore (though I do think Meg's got a May 08 journal!). I don't even know how to remotely summarize my life since October of 07 when I last wrote. So many things are different, so many things have changed.
I guess I'd have to start with Erik. Right now, this is probably the only outlet I have that John doesn't know about, and if he does find it, well I can't help it I still have the right to start there, because thats where I last ended. So, to begin, there was Erik. He wasn't a bad boyfriend. He was generally easy to get along with and generally good natured. I generally had a good report with him. Sadly, for him, for us, I wanted more. He didn't really go very far into the realm of boyfriendry. I was doing all the relationship work. We were seeing each other maybe once a month, and when you're all alone out in the middle of O-town and traveling to stupid Michaels for work every day and hour away...well that gets old, and doing all the work all the time will always get old. Enter John, great friend with great personality who is always willing to talk, visit, and generally hang out with me. After a few months of this having a boyfriend an hour away who doesn't have time for me while I spend all my time with my friend, it suddenly dawned on my that I was an idiot.
Now, this was all around the same time that I had an interview with my old internship boss, Mr. Circuit Clerk (who shall remain nameless for privacy's sake). Well he offered me a job (a rather sucky one at that) where I'd be the office wench and answer phones and do filing (absolutely boring) but at the least, its in my field. So I'm thrilled because its a whole Dollar raise on top of the fact that I now only work 10 minutes from where I live. And the whole world knows the benefit of not using a lot of gas...
So there I was, new job, new boyfriend John, and life was ok. I have my Dad's house all to myself too, and you just can't beat that. Well 4 months ish into our relationship, John pulls this big romantic surprise birthday party deal where my friends and family are at this bar/restaurant and theres a band and lots of wine. Next thing I know John's singing me a song (and playing) and bam, diamond ring.
So pretty much I'm engaged now.
Oh and I just started a new job (within the Clerk's office) where I get paid over $2 more than I was, and I get to go to court. Right now, I'm shadowing a clerk for probably the biggest trial of our small town's year. Its very fascinating.
I can't complain. Well I probably could, but to surmise the last 6 months of my life would take pages upon pages, and I don't have that kind of time anymore! I'd like to go into more detail, but I figured I should probably just bring myself up to date. To recap: New new job, fiance. Who'd have thought?